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Quan Yin's Lavender Flame Distant Healing Session - 24th February at 3pm - NOW CLOSED

Angelic Light

Hi everyone, the Quan Yin's Lavender Flame Distant Healing Session has been sent and it was so beautiful on this end. If you have missed the session, you are welcome to call in the chiball version of it (details below) up until midnight on the 3rd of March. Please still add your name to this blog post if you are joining in after the energy has been sent. I have asked the energy to go to everyone who has signed up already and to those who have still to sign up, until the 3rd of March.

For the Healing Session, Quan Yin took us all to her beautiful Temple of Love, which was filled with pink flowers. Everythink there was pink and orange. As we all sat in a circle on the marble floor to accept the energies, I could see through a window into the garden, where there were beautiful ponds filled with Lotus Flowers. I also saw Lord Buddha in the garden and he waved to us. He was gently in the background holding the energy for us, but not interfering. I sat in the middle of the circle and as Quan Yin was sending the Lavender Flame healing energies through me, I was sending them to my friend Lisa who was sitting in front of me in the circle. I was holding her hands and the energy was flowing through me, to her and then out to everyone in the circle around us. As I was guided by Quan Yin to perform different healing techniques and hand positions on Lisa, these also went to everyone else simultaneously, including into the Magenta Pink chiball that Quan Yin was holding at her heart centre.

The energies felt very peaceful, relaxing, loving, gentle and heart based and I felt as though I was floating. In my mind I heard that "Not everyone will believe in what we do, but they will come to realisation in their own time." I also heard the number 33, which is the number of the ascended masters, and when I felt that the healing session had ended, I opened my eyes and the clock said 3.33pm! That made me smile. So we got an extra 13 minutes of healing than we had planned and we got some lovely 333 numbers too :-) I hope you all enjoyed the energies as much as I did and I hope that those of you who have still to call in the chiball of healing energies will enjoy it too! Please feel free to comment on here or on facebook with your experiences of the healing session. I would love to hear from you! Lots of Love, Catherine xxxx


Hi everyone, today (24th) at 3pm (UK time), I will be sending out a Free 20 minute Quan Yin’s Lavender Flame Distant Healing Session. This will be to celebrate my Facebook Page getting to over 4000 likers! This will be for likers of my Facebook Page and Website Members only (if you are already a member of one of them but not the other, you do not have to join the other one if you don’t want to – being a member of one of them is fine).

To accept the energies at 3pm, relax, take a few deep breaths and say “I now accept the Quan Yin’s Lavender Flame Healing Session that Catherine Robson of Angelic Light is sending me now. I ask that the energies are for my highest good and that they are the strongest I can handle. Thank you.”

I will also be placing the session inside a chiball so that it can be called in at any time after the event, until midnight on the 3rd March 2013. To call in the chiball, imagine a beautiful ball of light above your head opening up and the energies from the ball flowing down through your chakras and your auric field, while saying “I now accept the Quan Yin’s Lavender Flame Healing Session that Catherine Robson of Angelic Light has prepared for me in a chiball. I ask that the energies are for my highest good and that they are the strongest I can handle. Thank you.”

After the session, you should relax and drink plenty of water.

If you would like to take part in this event, please post your full name in the comments section below this post (you may need to click on the "comments" section at the top right of the post if you are not fully inside the post). You are better to be on a computer to do this, although you may be able to do it through a mobile device – I am not sure. I know my website is mobile compatible, but I am not sure if you can make blog comments using this kind of device. You do not need to be a member of my website to make the blog comments, as anyone can post with their name, email address and comment (your email address will not show up on the blog page), but if you are a website member, it may be easier for you to make the blog comments. If you do wish to sign up as a member of my website, you can do so here:

I look forward to bringing you these beautiful energies!

Lots of Love, Catherine xxx

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