
Here you will find information about the courses I offer and what will happen if you book one with me.
I offer many different distance learning spiritual and healing courses that will help you to connect with spiritual and healing energies. These energies will help your spiritual growth and help you to heal yourself. Some of the courses will show you how to perform different healing methods on others and will be a lovely addition to your current healing methods.
Each course has been channelled, prepared and brought forth by another person, so the manuals have not been written by me and are simply passed on in their original form. Some manuals are very short and simple and others are more comprehensive. Some courses have attunements to healing systems, others have attunements to spiritual energies and some have empowerments, which help you to bring out your own power.
Attunements or empowerments are simply connections to healing energies, spiritual energies or to specific spiritual beings, ie angels, or a way of empowering yourself to bring out a gift or knowledge that you already have within you.
Anyone can channel healing energy or be connected to an angel for help or healing, or be able to develop their spiritual gifts without an attunement or empowerment, but an attunement or empowerment will enable you to experience the connection more deeply, and make the connection to the energy stronger.
There are some courses suitable for beginners (such as Usui Reiki 1, Kundalini Reiki, Unicorn Energy Healing System, some of the angel courses and more), but a lot of the courses will be easier to understand if you already have some energy work experience. Some courses require you to be a Reiki Master before you can enrol on them. Each individual course page on my Web Store will tell you what the Prerequisite of each course is.
If you choose to receive a course from me and then wish to go on and use it professionally with others, it is advised that you are already a Healing Practitioner/Therapist with the appropriate insurance and that the course from me would be an add on to the healing therapies that you already use and are qualified for. If you are a complete beginner to energy work, you can still do some courses with me that don't have any prerequisites, but I wouldn't advise going on to use them professionally with others if you aren't already a qualified and insured Healer/Therapist. An exception to this is the Usui Reiki courses, which complete beginners can study and usually be assured of getting insurance for once they complete Level 2 (Practitioner Level).
Here is what will happen if you book a distance course with me:
Once you have paid for/booked your course, I will e-mail you with the pdf manual/manuals for that course, and then we can schedule in a time for your attunement/attunements that suits us both. I am available at the following times for sending your attunements:
Monday: 10am-2.30pm GMT (United Kingdom timezone)
Tuesday: 10am-2.30pm GMT (United Kingdom timezone)
Wednesday: 10am-2.30pm GMT (United Kingdom timezone)
Thursday: 10am-2.30pm GMT (United Kingdom timezone)
Friday: 10am-2.30pm GMT (United Kingdom timezone)
If these times do not suit you, perhaps due to time zone differences, I can prepare your attunement in a chiball for you to call in whenever you wish. Please let me know if you would rather have a chi ball attunement than a real time attunement. Chiball attunements are just as strong as real time attunements. I receive all my own attunements this way and I often bring them in when I am relaxed in bed at night. They are very handy if you are a busy person and you are unsure when you can be available to sit down and receive a real time attunement.
If your course has a few attunements in it, it is advisable to leave at least 2-3 days or more in between each one. I do not recommend any more than 3 attunements per week, as you may experience a cleansing from them, and your system might get too overloaded. Also, it can take a few days for your body to get used to the new energies you have been attuned to. However, you will know best how many attunements you are able to receive.
Before your attunement, you will be required to study your manual and practice any meditations/exercises in it, if any. If you have any questions about any of the material, you can e-mail me any time and I will answer any questions you may have.
When the time comes for you to receive your attunement, all you have to do is go somewhere you will be uninterrupted, ground and protect yourself, relax and intend that you are now going to receive the attunement from me. For example, you could say:
"I now accept the ______ attunement from Catherine Craig. I ask that this attunement is perfect for me in all ways, it is pure, and it is is for my highest good. I ask that the energy is the strongest that I can handle. Thankyou."
The attunement will then start flowing, and you may feel energy around you, heat, cold, tingling, colours etc... it is different for everyone. Some people feel a lot, others feel hardly anything. Know that each attunement will have been performed correctly by spirit and myself and that your higher self will make sure that you bring in the perfect attunement for your own needs.
If you are calling in a chiball attunement, you can imagine that there is a ball of energy above your head - see this ball opening up and the energy flowing down through your crown chakra, while you say:
"I now call in the chiball attunement of ___________ that Catherine Craig has prepared for me. I ask that this attunement is perfect for me in all ways, it is pure, and it is for my highest good. I ask that the energy is the strongest I can handle. Thankyou."
Each attunement usually lasts around 20-30 minutes, however some are shorter and some are longer.
Once you have received your attunement, I will e-mail you afterwards to let you know that I have completed it and answer any questions you might have.
There are no formal tests or exams to complete in any of the courses. However, if you wish, you can do some case studies after you have studied your manual and received your attunement. If you do not wish to complete any case studies, the certificate you receive after your attunement will say on it CERTIFICATE OF ATTUNEMENT. If you wish to complete case studies, the certificate you receive once you have completed them will say on it CERTIFICATE OF MASTERY and it will also list that you have completed case studies, so it will be more professional.
Please let me know when you book your course whether you would like to do the case studies or not, and if you do wish to do them, I can e-mail you the case study sheet when I am e-mailing your manual. On each course page on my Web Store, there is a drop down menu where you can select whether you wish to complete the case studies or not. There is no extra charge for doing case studies.
If you decide to do case studies, here is what the Case Study Sheet looks like:
Hello and thank you for choosing to complete case studies for your course. These will help to ensure that you understand the course manual, have worked sufficiently with the energies and are feeling confident about passing on the energies and attunements to others.
Please complete the following:
1) Spend 10-15 minutes connecting with the energies you have been attuned to, then type up a paragraph explaining how you felt during the connection. If the course you are studying is an empowerment course (rather than a healing system), then please just connect with the energies of that particular system in a way that you feel is best. If the course you are studying is a healing system, then you can perform a self-healing on yourself.
2) Perform a distance or in-person attunement on someone else with the system you have been attuned to, then type up a paragraph explaining how you felt during the attunement. If you want to give feedback from your student, that is fine, but it is not compulsory. If there are a few attunements in the system you have been attuned to, then you are required to do all of them, leaving at least 2-3 days in between each one to give your student time to get used to the energies.
When you are doing your case studies, you can practice on yourself, your family, friends or even pets/animals. If you cannot find anyone to help you, I am always willing to be a volunteer for distance work, including attunements.
Please e-mail me with your type up when you have completed all of your case studies, preferably in one Word document or a pdf, and I will then issue you with your e-mailed Certificate of Mastery as soon as possible. I am always here for advice or help, so feel free to e-mail me anytime. Good Luck! I am sure you will enjoy working with the new energies and have lots of fun with them. I look forward to reading your case studies.
The case study that you will complete is not a test to see how academic you are. It is just to show that you have worked with the energy and show how you felt when using it. It will help with your development and confidence, and you will also be helping others by practicing on them. You can take as long as you like to complete your case studies. I have found so far that students who have been completing the case studies have thoroughly enjoyed doing them (even if they were a bit apprehensive about them to begin with) and have felt a great sense of satisfaction once they have completed them and received their certificate. It is also such a pleasure for me to read the case studies. I am so glad that I have added this option of having case studies for the courses!
If at any time you have any questions about anything in your manual, about receiving your attunement, completing case studies, or receiving your certificate, I will be here for you by e-mail to answer them and give you my full support.
When you have completed your course, your certificate will be e-mailed to you. If you have chosen not to do any case studies, you will receive your CERTIFICATE OF ATTUNEMENT straight away, with the date on it being the date I sent the attunement to you. If you have chosen to do case studies, you will receive your CERTIFICATE OF MASTERY once you have submitted your case studies. The date on it will be the date that you submit your case studies.
I will still be here for you once you have finished your course, for support if you need it, at any time.
After each attunement, you are advised to rest, drink water, eat lightly/healthily and practice using the energy on yourself. As I said earlier, you may experience a cleansing, because your energy will be shifting to make room for these new energy connections you have received. Also some attunements trigger old energies you have in your system to be brought to the surface for release. This is so you can become lighter and brigher in order to be able to channel healing energies more efficiently or to develop spiritually. After your attunement, you might experience some detox symptoms, which are normal and should clear within a few days (such as feeling sick, feeling a bit off, feeling emotional, feeling a bit grumpy, feeling a bit spacey, having strange dreams, having cold symptoms, or feeling the need to go to the toilet more frequently). You might have no symptoms at all and this is fine. Not everyone has detox symptoms due to clearing after an attunement, but I just thought I would let you know what you might experience, just in case. If you are feeling spacey or feeling sick after your attunement, try grounding yourself and drink a glass of water as this usually helps. I find that I have a clearing of up to 2-3 days after some attunements, but not always. If you have any problems, please e-mail me for advice and I will do my best to help you. Overall you should find the attunement process a pleasant one.
I look forward to working with you if you so choose. I would be honoured to be your teacher/facilitator.

Course List:
Here is a list of all of the courses I currently offer and those that are coming soon. Please see each individual page in my Web Store for more details and to make payment if you wish to book a course.
Abundance & Prosperity Courses:
Abundance & Prosperity Course Package (10 courses of your choice)
Abundance and Success Empowerment Reiki
Abundance Blocker Removal System
The Abundance Magnet Empowerment
Abundance Flush Empowerments 1-6 Course Package
Attraction Reiki 1-3
The Cornucopia Empowerment
The Diamond of Prosperity
Financial Fear Flush
Ganesha Empowerment
Good Fortune Prosperity Empowerment
Light of Prosperity Empowerment
Manifestation Empowerment
Money Angel Reiki
Money Reiki Course Package (Money Reiki Practitioner, Money Reiki Master, Money Reiki Grand Master and Money Reiki for a New Reality)
St Germain and Raphael Prosperity Empowerment
Angel Courses:
The 4 Holy Archangelic Attunements
49 Angelic Symbols
Angel Course Package (10 courses of your choice)
Angel Flames Reiki
Angel Light Initiation
Angel Lightworker Program
Angel Reiki
Angel Wings
Angelic Chakra Healing
Angelic Empowerments
Angelic Expressions
Angelic Senses
Archangel Michael Attunement
Archangel Michaels Kyanite Sword
Archangel Raphael Healing Hands Empowerment
Children's Angelic Light
Colours of Angels
Companion Angels Empowerment
Feathers of an Angel
Guardian Angel Reiki
The Gold Ray of Raphael
Inner Beauty Attunement of Archangel Haniel
The Key of Archangel Raziel
Light of Angels Reiki
Light of Archangels Empowerment
Lightworker Angels of the Heart Empowerment
Lightworker Archangelic Links Course Package (Archangelic Colours, Archangels Ariel, Cassiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Metatron, Michael, Raphael, Sandalphon, Uriel, Zadkiel, Zaphrael, Seraphim Rose Aura)
Metatron's Cube
The New Energies of Archangel Michael
Ray of Angels Oracle
Sapphires of Angels
Shield of Archangel Michael
Zapharel Course Package (Light of Zapharel, Zapharel's Light of Passion and Enthusiasm, Zapharel's Light of Clear Vision and Understanding, Zapharel's Light of Protection and Guidance, Zapharel's Light of Love and Acceptance, The Diamond of Zapharel, The Star of Zapharel, Zapharel's Love and Peace Alignment and The Silver Platinum Ray of Zapharel)
Animal Energy Courses:
Angels of the Earth - Animal Healing
Animal Empowerments
Animal Energy Course Package (10 courses of your choice)
Bear Reiki
Butterfly Reiki Healing
Children's Ladybug Protection
Dragon Course Package (7 courses)
Dragon Energy Programme
Dragon Ki Reiki
Dragon Light
Dragon Lightworker Trilogy
Dragon Reiki 1 & 2
Dragon Transformation Vortex
Dragon Warrior
Hummingbird Empowerment
Lightworker Animal Empowerments Course Package (Bear Medicine Empowerment, Cougar Medicine Empowerment, Coyote Medicine Empowerment, Deer Medicine Empowerment, Domestic Cat Empowerment, Dragon Empowerment, Fox Medicine Empowerment, Great Blue Heron Medicine Empowerment, Hawk Empowerment, Racoon Medicine Empowerment, The Swan Empowerment, Turkey Medicine Empowerment, Turtle Medicine Empowerment, Wolf Empowerment)
Lightworker Animal Path Healing
Lightworker Tiger Reiki
Pixie Unicorn Reiki
Power Animal Empowerment
Rainforest Reiki
Snap of the Dragon Reiki
Spirit Steed Reiki Empowerment
Spiritual Animal Healing Program Levels 1-6
Totem Reiki
Unicorn Energy Healing System
White Dove Reiki
Ascension Courses:
The Acceptance Flush
The Ascended Masters
Ascension & Manifestation Lightwork Program
Ascension Course Package (10 courses of your choice)
Ascension Vibration
Ayurveda Reiki
Bam Reiki
The Blessings of the Sacred Heart Empowerment (with Jesus)
Blue Star Celestial Energy
Breakthrough Reiki
Budai Empowerment
The Celestial Chakra Activation
The Celestial Light Body Activation
Celestial Reiki
The Celestial Starseed Activation
Children's Course Package (6 courses)
Christ Consciousness & Christ Healing
Christ Healing Energy
Cloak of Jesus Activation
Compassion & Gifts of Goddess Kuan Yin
Conscious Reiki
The Divine Rays 1-12
Drisana Level 1
Fearless Reiki
The Goddess Freya Warrior Heart Empowerment
Gold Reiki
The Golden Ray Empowerment
Golden Star Christ Activations
The Healing Energies of Our Lady of Lourdes (with Mother Mary)
Heart of Mary Magdalene Reiki
Imara Reiki
Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary Reiki
Indigo, Crystal & Rainbow Children's Light Empowerments Course Package
Karmic Reiki
Lighten the Load Reiki
Lightworker Course Package (7 courses)
Lightworker Knights of Melchizedek
Lightworker Pure Potency Energy
Lord Ashtar Sheran Protection Attunement
Love Light Synthesis Reiki
Mahatma Ascension Reiki
MariEL Reiki
Merlin Connection
New Earth Teacher Levels 1-9 Course Package
The New Energy of Saint Germain
The Orgone Tachyon Fusion Orb
Planetary Intelligences
Quan Yin's Lavender Flame
Sacred Flames Reiki
Sacred Geometry Reiki
The Sacred Indigo Ray Attunement
The Saint Initiations Level 1
The Saint Initiations Level 2
The Saint Initiations Level 3
The Silver Violet Flame
Starlight Reiki
Spirit Reiki
Tachyon 2010
Thor's Hammer Empowerment
Violet Flame Course Package (3 courses)
Violet Flame Reiki
Ashati Courses:
Ashati Levels 1-3 Course Package (coming soon)
Chios Courses:
Chios Energy Field Healing Levels 1-3 Course Package (coming soon)
Colour, Chakra, Aura & Meridian Courses:
Above The Radar Reiki
Aura Flush
Aurora Reiki
Chakra Flush Empowerment
Chakra Healing Attunements
Chakra Ilahi
Chakra Repair Empowerment
Chandra Aura Reiki
Colour, Chakra, Aura & Meridian Course Package (10 courses of your choice)
Colour Reiki for Children
Energetic Aura Reiki
Full Spectrum Healing 1-3
Kundalini Reiki Course Package (Kundalini Reiki 1-3 & Kundalini Reiki Boosters 1-6 & Kundalini Reiki 1-3 2008)
Lightworker Musical Notes of The Chakras
Magickal Colour Reiki
Meridian Flush Empowerments 1-10 Course Package
Meridian Reiki
Purple Reiki
The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 1
The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 2 - The Rainbow Dove Empowerment
The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 3 - The Rainbow Skull Empowerment
The Rainbow Light Healing System Level 4 - The Rainbow Pyramid Empowerment
The Rainbow Light Healing System Levels 1-4 Course Package
Reiki Chakra 1-7
WhiteLight Self-Empowerments System Levels 1-4
Zone Reiki 1-4
Crystal Courses (and Atlantean/Lemurian):
Angel Stones
The Atlantian and Gaia Trilogy Course Package (Atlantian Crystal Activation, Crystal Skull Activation and The Elemental Earth Star Empowerment)
Atlantian Crystal Angels
Atlantean Course Package (6 courses)
Atlantean Peace Reiki
Crystal Course Package (10 courses of your choice)
Crystal Deva Empowerments
Crystal Reiki
Ethereal Crystals 1-12 and Ethereal Crystals Boosters Levels 1 & 2 Course Package
Lemurian Course Package (7 courses)
Lemurian Facilitator
Lemurian Seed Crystals 1-4
Light of Lemuria
Lightworker Telos Empowerment
The Lithium Quartz Mental & Emotional Healing Method
Magickal Crystal Lightwork Program
New Lemurian Energies
The Phenacite Crystal Empowerment
Prehnite Crystal Empowerment
Rainbow Rays Sacred Stone Activations
The Stellar Atom Empowerment
Stone Reiki
Health & Wellbeing Courses:
Connective Tissue Service
Dental Shakti
Magickal Courses:
After The Rain Empowerment
Celtic Reiki 1-3
Celtic Wisdom Energy System
Elemental Reiki
Excalibur Reiki
Heart of the Witch Empowerment
Magic Reiki
Magickal Course Package (10 courses of your choice)
Magickal Lightwork Program
The Magickal Talisman Empowerment
Spell Clearing Empowerment
Stonehenge Energies
Wisdom of Merlin
Nature Spirit Courses:
Amethyst Fairy Orb
The Crystal Faery Shield Empowerment
Energy and Magic of the Fairies
The Faery Flora Energies
Faery Reiki
Fairy Light RayKey
Fairy LightWorker Program
Fairy Realms Reiki
The Faery Tree Spirit Energies
Green Trilogy
Greenman Attunement
Magical Nature Reiki
Nature Spirit Course Package (10 courses of your choice)
Oceanic Energy Courses:
Aquamarine Dolphin Healing Ray
Dolphin Prism Attunements
Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System
Dolphin Reiki
Dolphin Sacred Drumbeat Empowerment
Dolphin Trilogy Reiki
Dolphins of Atlantis
Lightworker Friends of The Sea Empowerment
Lightworker Ocean Mother Full Moon Initiation
Merfolk Reiki
Oceanic Energy Course Package (10 courses of your choice)
Turquoise Flame
Walking The Rainbow with Dolphin Trilogy Reiki
Plant/Herbology Courses:
Chakra Flower Essence
Ethereal Flowers 1 & 2
Ethereal Herbs
Etheric Herbal Remedies
Etheric Passion Flower Essence
Flower Attunements
Flower Essence Reiki
Homeopathy Ki 1-13
Karmic Flowers Attunement
Lightworker Calla Lily Flower Attunement
Lightworker Lavender Plant Shakti System
The Magickal Tree Essence Empowerment
Plant/Herbology Healing Course Package (10 courses of your choice)
Reiki Courses:
Advanced Reiki Master - Elemental Usui Reiki Level 4
Karuna Ki
New Usui Reiki 1-3
Raku Kei Reiki
Reiki Levels 5-15 Course Package
Shamballa Multi Dimensional Healing 1-4
Tibetan Reiki
Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho Level 1
Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho Level 2
Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho Level 3
Usui Teate Reiki Level 1
Usui Teate Reiki Level 2
Usui Teate Reiki Level 3
Seichim/Egyptian Courses:
Ancient Egyptian Healing Modalities
Archangelic Seichim
Gayatri Seichim
Golden Triangle Healing System
Green Tara Seichim
Isis Blue Moon Healing System
Isis Seichim
Lightworker Dolphin Sekhem Seichim Reiki
Maha Kali Seichim
Pyramid Reiki
Ra Sheeba (coming soon)
Seichim/Egyptian Course Package (10 courses of your choice)
Sekhem Seichim (Sekhem Seichim and Seichim Master)
Sekhmet Seichim
Soul Star Seichim
Shamanic Courses:
Ama Deus Shamanic Healing
Elven Shamanic Healing
Hawaiian Trinity Reiki
Magickal Shaman LightWorker Program
Sacred Breath
Shamanic Course Package (10 courses of your choice)
Shamanic Empowerment
Shamanic Energy Healing
Shamanic Soul Retrieval Reiki
Spiritual/Intuitive Courses:
Ajna Activation Program
The Astral Entity Attachment Removal Empowerment
The Akashic Records
Crossroads Energy Empowerment
Familiar Spirits Empowerment
Home Protection Reiki
Higher Self Journey Activations Program
Inner Eye Empowerment
Intuition & Enorasis Empowerments 1 & 2
Intuition Reiki
Reiki Psychic Attunement
The Spirit Guide & Lucid Dreaming Flush Empowerment
Spiritual/Intuitive Course Package (10 courses of your choice)
Telepathy Empowerment
Third Eye Psychic Empowerment
Whispers Energy Empowerment
Please see each individual page in my Web Store for more details and to make payment if you wish to book a course.

Free Offerings - on my Free Offerings page you will find self attunements and meditations that are free for you to use as you wish. I also sometimes offer free attunements that you can call in via a chi ball that I will have prepared. These will be listed on my Free Offerings page when they are available.