
Hi, I'm Catherine and I have been doing my Spiritual Readings for 24 years now. I offer various different types of Readings by e-mail, mainly using my mediumistic and intuitive abilities to directly channel the loving and inspirational messages for you from your spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, nature spirits, nature energies or your spiritual family. I sometimes use oracle/tarot cards and crystals with your Reading too, to give you more information along with your connection to spirit, however, most of the time I only use channelling.
My Readings come in different sizes to suit very budget, as follows: Mini Reading (half an A4 page), 1 page Reading, 2 page Reading, 3 page Reading and 4 page Reading.
Your Reading will be lovingly typed up for you onto a pdf document and sent to you by e-mail, usually 7-10 days after you have booked it.
The types of Readings I offer are as follows:
~ Angel & Ascension
~ Colour & Crystal
~Divine Guidance
~Past Life
~ Spirit
~ Spirit Guide
The Readings I do come through in a similar fashion to spiritual counselling and all of the messages will be brought to you in a loving way that will leave you feeling inspired, empowered and ready to move on to the next stage of your life. They can be very healing, touching, uplifting, motivational and even educational, and I just love bringing through these Readings to help people.
I work in service to the light and therefore I only communicate with spirits of the light. I am only the messenger and it is up to the spiritual realms who comes through for you and what information they wish to bring through. I cannot guarantee that a particular spirit will definitely come through for you, but I will try my best to make contact with them.
I do not perform predictions, as everyone has the power within them to create their own reality and this can change at regular intervals. I only offer possible outcomes, advice and guidance; then it is up to you to choose the path that you wish to walk. You are the one who manifests your life and you have full control over it. Even though I may offer a probable outcome for you according to the thoughts and actions you are taking at present, you can still change the outcome by changing your thoughts and actions.
Ideally, everyone should be able to perform their own Readings, and talk to spirit themselves if need be, but I am here to help if you require my services, which I offer to you with love. Everyone has the ability to talk to spirit - some people just have to develop it more than others. We are all born connected to Source and we all have the right to develop our built-in spiritual gifts. It can sometimes take a while to develop these gifts, so please don't give up if you have been trying for a while to do so. Practice makes perfect!
Some things I can help you with and that you can ask me about include the following: romance/love, career/ basic finances/abundance, general health (but not medical), your energy system/chakras/aura, colour therapy, life purpose/life path, spiritual growth/ascension, past lives, family life, who is around you (angels, guides, nature spirits, beings of light, departed loved ones), plants/herbs, crystal therapy, animal communication and magickal work.
Please note, I cannot answer questions of a very serious medical, legal, criminal or financial nature. Please consult an appropriately qualified person if you need serious help with anything of this nature.
Readings are "for spiritual and entertainment purposes only and have not been scientifically proven." You must be 18 years old to receive a Reading from me.
You are welcome to send me a photo of yourself or any loved ones that you wish me to connect with for your Reading, but this isn't necessary.
Why not treat yourself to a Reading from me today - you deserve it! You can also purchase a Reading as a gift for another person, but please get their permission first.
Here are the types of readings I offer:
Angel & Ascension Reading:
With this type of Reading, you will receive loving and inspirational, high vibrational channelled guidance from the angels, archangels or ascended masters, and I will let you know which ones are working with you at the present time. They can give you advice about your life, and answer any questions that you have asked. Working with the angels can be very healing, uplifting and beautiful!
Colour & Crystal Reading:
With this type of Reading, I will tune into your chakras and auric field to bring you intuitive guidance about what colours are showing as most prominent for you and I will ask your spirit guides and angels to give me a message for you about your energy system. I will let you know what your soul colour is, what colours you should be using more in your life and what they mean and I will channel a message for you from the angels of colour. I will bring through channelled guidance for you from the beings and energies of the crystal kingdom and I will also use my intuition to pick etheric crystals for your reading and I will explain what each crystal means. Along with your channelled messages, I may also use chakra, colour or crystal oracle/tarot cards or colour ribbons/colour bottles to complement your Reading.
Divine Guidance Reading (combination of different types of Readings):
If you are finding it hard to choose what type of Reading you would like, you can pick this Reading, as it gives channelled guidance from a variety of spiritual beings and I will leave it up to spirit to choose who comes through for you (unless you have some specific requests), whether it be deceased loved ones, spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, nature spirits, plant energies, crystal energies, magickal/enchanted energies, Mother Earth, Source or your higher self. Of course, I cannot guarantee who will come through for you, but I will do my best to cater for your needs. I may also pick up information from your aura and chakras, the colours that are around you and if any information comes in from your past lives, I will include that too. I may also use oracle/tarot cards or other tools such as crystals, ribbons etc to complement your Reading. Please let me know when you book your Reading, what your preferences are. You are welcome to send me a photo of yourself or any loved ones that you wish me to connect with, but this isn't necessary.
Magickal Reading:
With this type of Reading, I will bring you magickal messages from the earthly realms, the elements, nature spirits, animal guides, plant energies, crystal energies or magickal beings such as Lord Merlin, Goddess Isis, Goddess Quan Yin or Lady Gaia (the Angel of Mother Earth). I will also channel a spell for you from them that you can use in your magickal work. This spell will be of the light and for your highest good. In my experience, this can sometimes come through as a magickal poem about yourself rather than a specific spell to use for something.
Nature Reading:
With this type of Reading, you will receive channelled guidance from the plant kingdom, such as the spiritual energies of flowers, trees, herbs and plants. Plants have spirits just the same as we do, and they love to help us. Some guidance that may come forward from the plant kingdom for you could be, for example, how to heal your body with plant nutrition and plant medicine, or how we can help Mother Earth to heal, as well as general guidance on your life path or anything else you may need to know. Also, I may bring through channelled guidance for you from the nature spirits of the elemental kingdom. The nature spirits are the fairies, gnomes, water sprites, elves, salamanders, merpeople, tree spirits and the Green Man etc. You may also receive channelled guidance from the wonderful unicorns and dragons. I will let you know which of these beautiful beings of light are working with you at the present time.
Past Life Reading:
With this type of Reading, I will tune into one (or more) of your past lives to give you clarity, guidance and help. You will be shown where your past life was, the approximate time period of the life, what you looked like, if you were male or female and what you did in the life, eg what career you had, your hobbies or your family life.
You may also be shown what you need to clear from the life, so if you wish, there is a healing ceremony/clearing that can be added on to your Reading, which will be done for each past life that comes up, if you ask me to. This is done with the help of your higher self, your guides, Mother/Father Source, The Holy Spirit light, Sananda (Jesus) and the Angels. This ceremony will help you to release any negative cords, webs, trauma, lower energies, attachments, entities or etheric weapons you still have connected to you from the past life. If you have left behind any parts of your soul in the past life out of fear, these will be cleansed with the Holy Spirit light and then brought back to you to be re-integrated into yourself. Any cell memory relating to any lower energies from the past life will be cleared using the Holy Spirit light. After the clearing, you will be given a short energy boost with the Holy Spirit light along with healing from the Angels and myself. The clearing will only commence once you receive and read the Reading and healing ceremony that I type up for you and when you give your permission for it to happen. It can be quite powerful, so resting afterwards is a good idea, as well as eating healthily and drinking lots of water. This ceremony is included free as part of your purchased Reading. If you choose to have the healing ceremony/clearing done along with the past life information, please note that the life that comes up for you may be traumatic (not always), since it is coming up for healing. If so, I will help you through this. It is important to release the past so that we can move on in this life and live happily in the present moment. Some people may have illnesses, fears, phobias etc. that may have been brought into this life from a previous life. The healing ceremony/clearing may help to release the energies associated with these. I am here to help, and you will have my full support by e-mail. You must tell me if you want to have the healing ceremony/clearing done, as it is a free extra that can be added onto the Reading if you wish. If you do not ask me to do it, I will only do the Reading for you without the healing ceremony/clearing. So, please let me know when you book your Reading if you would like just the Past Life Reading, or the Past Life Reading with the Healing and Clearing Ceremony.
Spirit Reading (Mediumship):
With this type of Reading, I will use my mediumistic skills to bring through loving and inspirational messages for you from your loved ones in spirit (this can include departed animals). I cannot guarantee who will come through for you, but I will do my best to cater for your needs. This type of Reading may be emotional, comforting, nurturing and healing for you. My wish is that it will help you with any grief that you may be feeling, and that it will help you feel closer to your loved ones.
Spirit Guide Reading:
With this type of Reading, I will bring through lovingly channelled guidance and support for you from your spirit guides and/or animal guides, and I will let you know who some of them are. This is a lovely Reading to have, as it is interesting to find out who your helpers are, and perhaps even what they look like. Sometimes they will even give me their name, but this is not always guaranteed. Your spirit guides are lovely, wise beings who help you throughout different parts of your life, and they love you very much.
Payment Details:
Once you have chosen which type of Reading you would like from the choices above, please go to my Web Store to choose which size of Reading you would like, and make your booking through there. When you make your payment, please e-mail me afterwards to let me know what questions you would like answered in your Reading and/or any areas of your life you would like me to focus on. If you don't e-mail me with any questions or areas that you would like me to focus on, I will just do a general Reading for you.
If you have any problems paying through my WebStore, please e-mail me and I can send you an invoice.
Alternatively, my Readings are also available in my new Etsy Shop. The link is here.
Mini Reading by e-mail (10 minutes of channelled guidance/half an A4 page/approximately 350-400 words long): £12. This Reading is perfect for answering one question or receiving guidance on one area of your life.
1 Page Reading by e-mail (20 minutes of channelled guidance/approximately 700-800 words long ): £22. This Reading is perfect for answering two questions or receiving guidance on up to two areas of your life.
2 Page Reading by e-mail (40 minutes of channelled guidance/approximately 1400-1500 words long): £42. This Reading is perfect for answering up to four questions or receiving guidance on up to four areas of your life.
3 Page Reading by e-mail 60 minutes of channelled guidance/approximately 2100-2400 words long): £62. This Reading is perfect for answering up to six questions or receiving guidance on up to six areas of your life.
4 Page Reading by e-mail (80 minutes of channelled guidanceapproximately 2800-3200 words long): £82). This Reading is perfect for answering up to eight questions or receiving guidance on up to eight areas of your life.
* Don't forget to check out my Webstore or sign up for my email list, as I often run Special Offers on my Readings!
I look forward to bringing you through some loving guidance and energies from the angels, guides, masters and spirit, to help you on your path of light!
Here are some of the Reviews I have received for Readings I have done over the years for clients:
~ Laura - 1 page Spirit Reading - Receiving a reading from Catherine is like hearing a story full of surprises about yourself. The story is positive, full of heart, imaginative, and sprinkled with hope, and love. The story answers many questions, but leaves one wanting more. I highly recommend having a reading from Catherine, as it positively adds colorful information to the story of one's life.
~ Sunday Rose Angel - I have been lucky enough to connect with Angelic Light (Catherine). I would definitely recommend Catherine as I have personally received a personal card reading, Reiki and attunements. Amazing lady. xx
~ Yolanda - 1 page Divine Guidance Reading - Thank you again so much for a wonderful reading Angel. Bless you.
~ Yolanda - 2 page Spirit Reading - Amazing reading from an amazing lady - thank you so much.
~ Laura B - 1 page Spirit Reading - The reading arrived on time, was positive, and the connections that I wanted to hear from, came through. I look forward to another reading with Catherine (Angelic Light444) in the near future.
~ Violet Fairy - Mini Reading - It was beautiful. Loved it.
~ Vicki S - Catherine is ALWAYS my go to whenever I need a reading, and I've had a fair few with her over the years. She is always so insightful and very accurate, I would never go to anyone else. I'm definitely going to be a lifelong customer. I've gone to Catherine over various issues and each time she never ceases to amaze me. I would HIGHLY recommend this wonderful lady if you need any guidance.
~ Marie D - My mini reading with Catherine was amazing. It was so insightful it was as if she had always known me and knew me inside out. I felt she really cared and I trust her advice. Thankyou for caring. Love Marie xxx
~ Laura B - I found Catherine’s Etsy site easy to read through and understand. I chose the ‘Divine Guidance’ reading for a 2-page spiritual reading plus 1 page free. I asked her to communicate with specific family members, and others in spirit; Catherine provided me with information that confirmed the messages were from my family, and others. When I ordered the reading, she said that a PDF would be emailed to me by a specific date, and it was sent to me on that exact date. I enjoyed being able to converse with Catherine through a dialogue box on the Etsy site; she quickly responded to my questions. All in all, the reading was a lovely experience, and I wouldn’t hesitate to have her do another reading for me in the near future.
~ Claire W - 1 page Spirit Reading - Catherine gave me a spiritual reading by email and I asked her to try and connect with my parents. (This was my second reading from her) and I couldn't be happier!!!! It was so unbelievably accurate!!!! Even down to knowing the name my Dad called me my whole life! Absolutely spot on and so comforting to aid your healing.
Thankyou so, so much again lovely! I can't thank you enough! xxx
*Highly recommended!!!! If you were thinking of getting a reading everyone, please don't hesitate... just go for it! Such an amazing lady with an awesome gift! xxx
~Dawn F - 4 page Spirit Reading - A small testimony and huge thank you to Catherine for an outstanding reading. I don't have the vocabulary to express the incredible accuracy of her evidential spiritual reading, her level of "tuning in", and skills of communication are rarely experienced. She obviously blended so well with my loved ones to be able to understand their personalities and then share the personal insights that she was able to report back to me. The reading was unique, comforting and laugh out loud funny at times too, just as it would be if those people were still communicating physically in the room with us. Without hesitation I highly recommend treating yourself to the experience, it truly made my heart smile.
~ Claire W - Highly recommend Catherine for spiritual readings (and much more!). I received a mini reading by email and I'm so pleased with it! So accurate and such a lovely lady too! She gave me a message from one of my spirit guides and it was just perfect! I will definitely be back for more!!!! Thanks so much again. Xxx
~ Claire W - Mini Divine Guidance Reading - I can most definitely recommend!!! I had the mini reading recently and it was so lovely, meaningful and accurate. Catherine is such as lovely lady too. Thanks so much again!!!!
~ R Provost - 4 page Spirit Reading - I purchased a 4 pages (it is a FULL 4 pages) Spirit Reading from Angelic Light (Catherine Craig) without realizing I had purchased quite some time ago a course. I was not disappointed at all with either. The reading was delivered in a timely matter and the messages, what I needed to hear and know. There was no hesitation in clarifying some things and answering my questions. I highly recommend her products, you will not be disappointed. R.Provost
~ Yolanda C - Mini Divine Guidance Reading - Absolutely amazing reading - loved it so much. Thank you as it was a truly beautiful reading that helped so much.
~ Yolanda C - Mini Divine Guidance Reading - Catherine has absolutely blown me away with this reading. It touched me to my heart and soul. She is so incredibly gifted and has helped me so much. I can't wait to return to use her services again. So thankful and grateful that I found her site. I highly recommend to everyone.
~ Nick L - Mini Angel & Ascension Reading - Hi yes just wanted everyone to know I had a great reading with Cathy. Highly recommended.
~ Debbie D - I have had many readings and healings with Catherine. She has been so accurate and helped me many times moving forward with my life. I will continue to use her services, she shows empathy and caring in everything she does.
~ 1 page Spirit Guide Reading - Elaine - Catherine is a great psychic, the reading was spot on and very accurate. Will definitely recommend to everyone.
~ Divine Guidance Reading and Animal Guide Reading - WOW" - What can I say "Impressed Much " I had been through a tough time lately and was in a bit of hibernation but also felt I was sitting at a crossroads. Some of the reading I know by intuition with how I was going through the motions , but thanks to the readings I now understand where I am and where spirit is leading me. Thank you Catherine for your work. Love and Light to all. - Bill Wilson - Brother Lightworker.
~ Angel & Ascension Reading: "WOW! I had the most amazing reading from Catherine! What a talented lady she is, I will definitely be back for more. Many thanks Catherine. Go on, treat yourself, you won't regret it." - Muriel Alicia
~ Divine Guidance Reading: "WOW! My god what a talented reader you are! Thank you Catherine from the bottom of my heart, this reading has been such a tremendous help. I will definitely be coming back to you in the future for any guidance and help." - Anonymous
~ Angel & Ascension Reading: "Absolutely loved my detailed reading. Big grins all round after the initial..."are they talking about me? Am I worthy of this?".......thank you so much, you really have helped me to start smiling again xxx" - Kate Johnson
~ Angel & Ascension Reading: Amazing amazing amazing Angel & Ascension Reading Catherine. Thank you so so much. It was beautiful and spot on and has made a difference to me already, regarding my question I asked you. You are awesome. Lots of love xxx:- Lisa Murray
~ Animal Communication Reading: I recently received an Animal Communication reading from Catherine. The only information she had about my two donkeys and one of my dogs were their names and their photographs, yet I have to say that I was amazed by how accurately their personalities came through with her! She described each of them so incredibly well. This left me with no doubt that they were doing the talking, and so I was able to pay attention to the insights that she passed to me, which were both helpful and thought provoking. I would have no hesitation in asking her to do more of these readings for me, and I know that I would find them useful. Thank you Catherine! - Deborah Moran
~ Oceanic Energy Reading: "Wow! Thank you so much Catherine, I love this reading and it resonates completely as I have been on a path of manifestation and have been waiting for guidance on the next step. I love the Mermaid guide and the connections she shared and my eyes are green/blue depending on what I wear. Thank you so much again Catherine, I absolutely love this reading!" - Kayla
~ Spirit Reading (Mediumship): "Thanks Catherine for the most touching readings i have received through your offer. My tears were literally dripping down my face with joy and comfort. I feel more at peace now and looking fwd to the future" xx - Tracy Kelly
~ Nature Spirit Reading: "OMG!! Catherine, thank you so much for bringing me this reading. It has brought tears to my eyes, but I rejoice in it's beautiful uplifting message to me. I recently did a Unicorn attunement and my Unicorn I connected with was bathed in yellow! Obviously a meaningful colour for me. I look forward to connecting with Senga again. Thank you so much" xxx - Bridget
~ Animal Guide Reading: "Thank you sooooooo much Catherine! Just read my reading and I love it! It all rings true, thank you so much for tuning in and channeling these wonderful messages for me. You are wonderful, thank you :) xxx (And thank you Jasper the Snake too! Feel guided to go and find my Rainforest Jasper crystal to connect with him further, now and in the future)". x -Bella Reed
~ Angel & Ascension Reading: "What a perfect reading for me... Spot On... Many thanks, it was such a thrill to Win This." - Lori
~ Animal Guide Reading: "Thank you so much, I love it, Rosie, what a cute and lovely name for a wolf! That's the positve boost of energy I needed on this again so cold day. Thank you for being such a warm and bright light Catherine! :-)" - Samantha
~ Nature Spirit Reading: "Thank u sooo much, much needed encouragement." x - Audrey
~ Colour Reading: "Thank you sooo much Catherine, I didn't know what to expect when I chose this reading, but it really resonates with me, especially about expressing myself and I have been in denial about my heart being broken, lol, but I am getting much better, thank you again, love and blessings." - Shefali
~ Lemurian, Golden Atlantis and Magickal/Enchanted Readings: Oh WoW! Catherine I love the opportunity to enjoy and integrate the beautiful messages you receive through your readings and connecting with our guides, an inspirational and live changing way for all to receive what we need to know to work on ourselves, and also get praise for our hard work. You provide the messages it is up to us to take what resonates and work on it. And my oh my through your unique and wonderful way of communication receiving confirmaiton and validation and inspiration is always a treat every time. I ordered 2 of your specials and would recommend this everyone. Anyone thinking of trying these out I can attest to the professional and amazing way you will receive your reading, you will not be disappointed, but you will be transformed forever. Much love to you beautiful Catherine, love your work and your gift to humanity. xooxo - Anna Domotor
~ Golden Atlantis Reading: I received a 'Mini Golden Atlantis Reading' from Catherine and it was amazing. I was given guidance on the path I am going down at the moment which really touched my heart and has given me the encouragement I needed to continue. It was great to hear I am heading in the right direction. My only regret is that I only purchased a mini reading, next time I will definitely be treating myself to a bigger one. Thank you so much, Louise xx
~ Spirit Reading: I would like to thank Catherine of Angelic Light. A big thank u for my Spirit Reading, it was so spot on and I really enjoyed reading it, you were so true with my family in spirit and everything I could relate to. Thank u so much hunni xxxxx - Georgina Moore
~ Lemurian Reading: I am still in awe with the Lemurian reading I received from Catherine! It brought such peace and love to my heart as I read it through over and over and it completely fit with me and how I have been feeling over the past while. So accurate and even though it is a mini reading there is still much to absorb! Thank you so much Catherine from my mini reading, you are so gifted and I would recommend your services to anyone seeking a reading - Kayla Yetman
~ Mini Reading: I've just read my free reading I won :). WOW its so accurate n beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes again (not in a bad way) I LOVE it, thanku sooooooooooooooo much hun. I've been enjoying the reiki meditation n reading the manual, love it (your a very clever, talented n gifted lady, don't let your head swell lol) lots of love n light x x x x x Cathy - Cathy Hollinshead
~ Mini Reading: Thanku once again Catherine for an amazing reading, sooooo accurate, true n moving (brought tears to my eyes). You truly are one amazing lady and I'm so glad I've been able to sign up for your Reiki distance course at last. Lots of love n light, Cathy xxx - Cathy Hollinshead
~ Received a very intuitive & enlightened reading from Catherine. Will definately return for more.... she has a true gift. - Anonymous
~ Mini Reading: The reading is so accurate and it blew me away. You are such an amazing person and thank you for your time and friendship. Love. Girty xx
~ Mini Reading: I have just received yet another FANTASTIC reading from the extremely talented n gifted Catherine. Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooo much hun it has meant sooooooooo much, wonderful. Lots of love n light, Cathy x x x x - Cathy Hollinshead
~ Tarot Reading: Have just had a lovely reading from this lady! Absolutely blown away by her knowledge and accuracy! I have told only one person about my plans for the future and he has been sworn to secrecy! But she picked up on exactly what they were!! This was a very short reading but blew me away....and has helped with my confusion of opportunities! :) Thanks Catherine Robson - Sarah Kernan
~ Mini Spirit Reading: Hi Catherine :)) hope your well. I just wanted to say thank you sooooooo much for my mini spirit reading it was wonderful. I've had very brief visions of this spirit guide but I'm having problems connecting :( really pleased and feel blessed to now know his name :))))). Your readings are fantastic and soooo accurate, thank you again hun x x x - Catherine Hollinshead
~ Mini Reading: Hi Catherine - Just wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU for my reading it was FANTASTIC and sooooooooooo acurate. Anyone that is thinking about having a reading please please don't hesitate, its brilliant, accurate and comforting. Just go for it :)) Catherine is a wonderful, loving and intuitive. Thank you soooooooooo much again x x x x - Cathy Hollinshead
~ Magickal/Enchanted Reading: Hello Catherine, Thank you so very much for taking your time in doing my Magickal Reading. Wow it's fantastic and I wish you all the best with this type of reading on your website. It's excellent. I am really looking forward to progressing with my wicca. The reading has really motivated me. Many Blessings to you, Pamela. - Pamela Caddy
~ I have had the honour of receiving a reading from Catherine and cannot express how wonderful it was! Her reading was very clear, accurate and empowering. I was surprised at the details given that were very accurate with my life currently and where I am heading. I look forward to applying the guidance given in the reading and to the change that will occur from it. Thank you so much Catherine for such a beautiful and empowering reading! Lots of love and gratitude. - Kayla Yetman
~ Various Readings, Healing Sessions and Attunement Courses: I have received many readings and healing sessions from Catherine over the past 4 years. I have also completed a number of distance courses with her too. Catherine is a truly amazing lady with an abundance of healing and intuitive talents. She is a beautiful lady who has many wonderful gifts to offer the world. Thank you Catherine for being you! Much love xxxxx - Nicole Wulfekuhle
~ Mini Spirit Reading: Catherine is a caring, skilled and loving lightworker. Her Spirit mini-reading was accurate and thoughtful, and brought me comfort when I was missing my Nan the most (even though I had not revealed to Catherine that it was my Nan to whom I wanted to connect.) Thanks, Catherine, for all you do! - Joanna Gawn
~ Spirit Guide Reading: Hi Catherine, thank you for the Spirit Guide Reading you did for me, it all made sense to me and answered questions I had been asking for a while, also the message you gave me from my mum meant the world to me, to know she is still by my side and watching out for me. - Beth xx (Shira Aaliyah)
~ Divine Guidance Reading: Hello Catherine, Thank you so much for the wonderful Divine Guidance reading, you were spot on with everything that you wrote. I know this reading will help me along my path, you gave me the answers I was looking for. Thank you again Catherine you are Truly Amazing with the beautiful gifts you share with others.. Sending Blessings of Light and Happiness to you. Jeanette
~ Divine Guidance Reading: Hi Catherine "Namaste" "Thank you" so much,for the wonderful reading my friend. It was and is, a truly beautiful and moving experience. The vibration of the words and message, are, of pure oneness, love, light. You are a beautiful, beautiful, soul Catherine, whose gifts, are being used both wisely and well, for the benefit of all ~ I salute you my friend. May your heart, always flow with the pure love of source...with creator essence.....may your existance, be one of being. Have a wonderful journey Catherine ~ I`m sure you will! I love you, Love Dharminder
~ Spirit Readings: I would just like to say that Catherine has very kindly done me two readings. She has had my late husband draw close and has been able to pass messages and words from him that i cant believe the accuracy of her picking up. It was like actually talking and listening to my husband. They were unbelievable. It helped me comfirm and find peace in my heart that my beautiful husband and wonderful dad to our 2 boys is aware and still looking out for us. She is truly an angel.. Catherine is a kind and warm hearted person and I'm so grateful for finding her and will be having more readings from her in the future. The accuracy of her readings are wow wow wow.. Lots of love to Catherine and her family, lots of love and hugs to this lovely precious angel. l love you love Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
~ Divine Guidance Reading: Hi Catherine I am so amazed (but not surprised) at the Divine Guidance reading you did for me. It was lovely that my nan and granddad came through for me, especially my nan as she and I were so close. It was so reassuring to know that they are with us whenever we need them. Thank you as well for the guidance that came through. It has confirmed that I am on the right path and also clarified to me why I had to return to my role as air crew! I feel really happy and reassured that life is just how it should be for me and has also given me even more optimism for the future! I have no hesitation in recommending you to others who may be looking for a reading and will refer people to your site as I am asked all the time for honest and accurate readers. - Steve
~ Divine Guidance Reading: I have had many readings by Catherine through the years. Her incredible gift, talent and love from angels, guides, loved ones and others that come through bring such peace and direction in my life. Even as a psychic and an author, I still need guidance in some areas and Catherine is the one I keep coming back to for help. Her incredible readings can and will change your life. How blessed we all are to have her here helping and guiding us along in our lives. Thank you Catherine for your work and for touching my life so deeply and profoundly with your readings. You are indeed an angel on earth and I am blessed to know you. Nikki Pattillo
~ Divine Guidance Reading - John I have had many readings over the last few years, looking for direction and someone i can trust. I'm very glad to say that I have found the best medium, Catherine. Her readings are shockingly accurate and it's almost like she knows you. Catherine has helped me over the last twelve months in many ways. Her loving guidance and excellent connection to spirit make her not only a brilliant psychic medium but also a very good friend. I have never met someone so caring and willing to help as Catherine. She is always at the end of a email even after you have had your reading, to help and offer support. As a medium myself, I can say that she has a very exciting career ahead of her......10 out of ten, shes the real deal! John XX
~ Spirit Guide Readings: I have had a few readings off Catherine now, and I must say I have been very impressed indeed. Her readings are always incredibly detailed not to mention very accurate. Catherine has a wealth of knowledge, and what seems a never ending supply of spirit helpers to call on. I have had many readings from other psychics but none have blown me away like Catherine's have. I would encourage anyone to have a reading even if they are not looking at specific areas in their life for guidance. Much Love, Belinda.
~ Angel & Ascension Reading and Distance Attunements: Catherine thank you so much for my Angel & Ascension Reading you done for me. It is so accurate, and very comforting. I read over anytime I feel low or doubt and it always makes me feel better, inspires me and above all reminds me to keep faith. I thank you too, for all your attunements, You have such a loving kind energy that is apparent with your attunemnets and healing. Your thoughtfulness and care before, during and after is so welcome and your many offers on your services are appreciated. Thank you for all you do and may you continue to be blessed and a blessing to us all. Tracey Hougham, Dorset. - Tracey
~ Distance Attunements and Divine Guidance Reading: I have known and worked with Catherine @ Angelic light for over a year now and I actually had my first distant reiki attunement with Catherine (Kundalini Reiki ) in September 2009, which was a wonderful attunement : ) and had me addicted! I have also had a Reading with Catherine which was very good and helped me. Catherine is a lovely, warm hearted lady whose warmth comes through her energy work and personality. I am very grateful to her in lots of ways and I'm so glad I took that first step with the Kundalini last year as so much has happened and I feel so different in myself and my spiritual path : ) Thankyou very much Catherine : ) Lots of love, Lorraine xoxoxo
~ Distance Readings and Attunements: I have received many amazing attunements from Catherine since 2009 during which I was pregnant with my second child (and I believe she was attuned to the energy as well) and am still continuing to learn with Catherine. Catherine is not only my teacher but also has become a very close friend. To me, Catherine is dedicated, friendly, giving, generous, knowleadgable, caring, honest, talented, spiritual, and of course my guardian angel. x Love Tracy xx
~ Distance Readings, Healings & Attunements: I had the honor of meeting Catherine at a time in my life when I was ready for a big change in my life on all levels. I feel blessed that Catherine was one of my first teachers and Spiritual advisors on my path to wholeness and reawakening the spiritual gifts that were waiting to be recognized and brought forward in in this lifetime. I have taken countless classes, all high vibrational and uplifting from her, with support and any and all questions always answered. Her readings are accurate, timely and always contained what was needed at that point of my journey. I have received Healings from Catherine and I loved the very first one - Kundalini Healing. I still to this moment can feel, see and remember it with great detail and the most intense energy of Love and Joy. Catherine was the first to clearly explain that all of it was within my power to have and create myself, that alone is etched in my heart, that I was worthy to heal and was unconditionally loved on all aspects of my being. Catherine is one of the best examples of bringing the spiritual down into the earthly planes and all you have to do is see how she balances her gifts, family, friends and students and she does it with Joy. Whether you are beginning a journey, midway, wherever you are in your Journey, Catherine will have an answer to point anyone to their next step. Distance is not an issue, no time or place, Catherine will touch your very heart and soul. It is with Great Love and Joy that I give this testimonal. - Rhonda Lazemizadeh