Healing & Therapy Sessions (Distance)

Here you will find all the different types of distance healing sessions that I offer. You can choose from a 30 minute session, a 60 minute session, a block of three 30 minute sessions, or a block of three 60 minute sessions. Distance sessions work just as well as in-person sessions, since energy is able to be sent through time and space to heal and work its magic. The prices of my sessions are at the bottom of this page.
Would you like to relax in the comfort of your own home and receive a wonderful healing session sent to you, to promote deep relaxation, relief from stress, cleansing of your energy fields and a feeling of peace and serenity? If so, why not treat yourself to a Distance Healing Session with me to help you come back into wellness and happiness once more! You deserve it!
The types of sessions I offer are as follows:
Angel & Ascension Therapy
Chakra, Aura & Meridian Therapy
Colour Therapy
Crystal Therapy
Golden Atlantis Healing
Lemurian Healing
Magickal Healing
Nature Healing
Reiki Healing
Seichim & Egyptian Healing
Shamanic Healing
After your session, I will email you with a small report, explaining what healing techniques were used and anything else you need to know. This is usually around a paragraph or two of text.
I look forward to doing a Healing/Therapy session for you and helping you get some time for YOU!
To send you a healing session, I will need your full name and location, and a note of any areas that you would like me to work on. As well as sending distance healing to humans, I also offer distance healing sessions for animals. Please let me know when you book if you would prefer the healing session to be for your pet.
To receive your Healing session from me if you have booked one, you should be relaxed in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You may wish to say "I now accept the healing session that Catherine Craig is sending to me now. I ask that this healing session is for my highest good and that the energies are the highest and most perfect energies that I need at this time. I am divinely protected as I receive this healing energy. Thank you."
You may feel the energies coming into your energy system, or you may not. Some people can feel the energies come in strongly, and other people may not feel much. But know that the energies will be working their magic. The energies may feel like a warm or cold feeling, buzzing, tingling, a feeling of peace, a feeling as though you are receiving a hug, or you may feel sleepy.
After you have had your treatment, you should feel relaxed and happy. However, you might experience some cleansing symptoms after a while, where you may feel a little worse before you get better. Not everyone feels like this, but it is something to be aware of, just in case. You may feel emotional, need to go to the toilet more, be thirsty, feel sleepy, irritable, have past "hurts" come to the surface, feel nauseous, have a headache, feel a bit dizzy or spacey or have a runny nose. Know that these feelings will pass, and that they are completely normal. They are just your body's way of clearing out the old energies so that you will feel better. These symptoms, if you get them, may last for a few hours or for a day or two. During this time, it will help if you drink lots of water, eat light water-filled foods such as raw fruit, salads and vegetables, avoid alcohol, cut back on unhealthy foods/drinks, have a nice relaxing bath and rest when you need to.
Please note, I am not medically qualified and I cannot diagnose. Please consult a healthcare professional if you have any serious illnesses or psychiatric problems. Healing sessions are complementary and are not a substitute for medical care, but rather, they work alongside it. The same applies to Animal Healing - it is not a substitute for professional Veterinary care, but can be used alongside it. Although I use the word healing or healer on my website, I do not claim that I am able to heal. When I perform healing, which is channelled through me from Source, this is to help clients to heal themselves and help them to move on in their lives.
I am happy to treat children under the age of 18, as long as I have the parent or carer's written permission and they stay with the child during the full session.
Here is a more in-depth description of the types of Healing & Therapy Sessions I offer:
Angel & Ascension Therapy:
With this Therapy Session, you will receive a heart-based and compassionate healing and clearing, using a few different types of Angel & Ascension energy healing systems, Spiritual energy healing systems or Abundance energy healing systems, as well as the energies of the angels, archangels, spirit guides and ascended beings. This is a beautiful session that will leave you feeling relaxed, calm, cleansed and fully supported by the Angels and Masters. It may help you to remove blockages and old issues from the past, heal your emotions and help you to feel stronger and more in control of your life. It may also help you to be more confident and be able to manifest the abundance that you need. It may also be helpful if you wish to clear and cleanse your home of lower energies.
You can choose the types of energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you.
Types of healing systems/energies that may be used during this session, depending on your needs are:
Angel Energies:
~ 20 Angel Essences Attunement - these energies will help you connect with the angels and their positive qualities.
~ The 4 Holy Archangelic energies - energy from Archangels Michael, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael.
~ 49 Angelic Symbols - healing using beautiful angel symbols.
~ Angel Flames Reiki - healing from the angels using sacred flames that are ignited within the chakras.
~ Angel Light Healing - healing that brings in the energies of the angels and archangels.
~ Angel Lightworker energies - wonderful energies from the angelic hierarchy.
Angel Reiki - healing that brings in the energies of the archangels along with ordinary Usui Reiki.
~ Angel Stones - specific crystals and stones are attuned to the vibration of the angels and placed on or around your body. The energy of these stones can be sent distantly too and placed in your auric field.
~ Angel Wings - beautiful angelic energy which can be called on if you need extra love, protection, support and are having problems with dealings of the heart (ie. with love relationships).
~ Angelic Chakra Healing - chakra healing with the Angels.
~ Angelic Empowerments energy - angelic energy from your guardian angel, the archangels, principalities, dominions, virtues, powers, seraphim, cherubim and thrones.
~ Angelic Expressions - this energy is from the wonderful Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Chamuel, Jophiel, Zadkiel, Cassiel, Metatron, Raziel, Sandalphon, Shekinah and Remiel.
~ Angelic Senses - this healing system uses angelic symbols to help you see the angels, smell the aroma of the angels, sense the angels, feel the angel's touch, hear the angels and feel the love of the angels.
~ Angels of The Earth - Animal Healing - beautiful archangelic energies from Archangels Uriel, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel along with earth healing to help heal animals.
~ Angels & Unicorns Reiki - healing energy from the Angels and Unicorns.
~ Arch Angel Michael Alignment - energy from Archangel Michael to help you connect with him.
~ Archangel Michael's energy - The great Archangel Michael will help to give you strength, confidence and boost your self esteem. He will help to clear your energies of unwanted matter and fill you with light.
~ Archangel Michael’s Kyanite Sword - healing with Archangel Michael's Kyanite Sword.
~ Archangel Raphael's energy - Archangel Raphael is known as the healing Archangel and his energy is wonderful.
~ Archangel Raphael’s Healing Hands Empowerment - healing energies from Archangel Raphael.
~ Archangelic Seichim Reiki - healing with the archangels along with the energies of Seichim and Reiki.
~ Atlantian Crystal Angels - beautiful energies from the Atlantian Crystal Angels and the Atlantian Crystals.
~ Children's Angelic Light - wonderful energies from archangels that work with children. This is a great system for sending healing to children.
~ Colours of Angels - healing with the energies of the archangels & ascension rays.
~ Companion Angels - healing energy from your companion (guardian) angel aswell as other angelic healing shakti.
~ Feathers of An Angel - healing energy from the angels, especially Archangel Gabriel, using pure white feathers.
~ Gabriel's Financial Empowerment - healing energy to help you with your finances, from Archangel Gabriel.
~ The Gold Ray of Raphael - healing energy from Archangel Raphael and the Golden Ray.
~ Inner Beauty energy of Archangel Haniel - this lovely energy from Archangel Haniel will help you to bring more beauty, love, peace and joy into your life, allowing you to shine more radiantly.
~ The Lemurian Angels - healing energy from the Angels of Lemuria.
~ Light of Angels Reiki - this lovely angel energy helps you to bring more happiness, fun, joy, laughter and peace into your life!
~ Lightworker Angels of the Heart - beautiful loving heart based energy from the angels.
~ Light of Archangels Empowerment - healing energy from the Archangels.
~ Lightworker Archangelic energies - beautiful angelic colour energies and energies from Archangels Ariel, Cassiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Metatron, Michael, Raphael, Seraphim Rose Aura, Archangels Sandalphon, Uriel, Zadkiel and Zaphrael.
~ Metatron's Cube - healing using Metatron's Cube (sacred geometry).
~ Magic & Wisdom of the Unicorns - beautiful healing energy from the Unicorns of the Angelic Realms.
~ Ray of Angels Oracle - this energy stream is used for accessing information from the angels.
~ Sapphires of Angels - healing with the energies of the archangels & their related etheric sapphire crystals. The energy of the sapphire crystals can be sent distantly too.
~ Shield of Archangel Michael - wonderful energy shields from Archangel Michael that can be used to protect you, your home, your vehicles and anything you like.
~ The Sword of Archangel Michael - healing and clearing with Archangel Michael and his Sword of Light.
~ Zapharel's energies - wonderful healing energies from Seraph Zapharel, working with the energies of the Light of Zapharel, Light of Passion and Enthusiasm, Light of Clear Vision and Understanding, Light of Protection and Guidance, Light of Love and Acceptance, The Diamond of Zapharel, The Star of Zapharel, Love and Peace Alignment and The Silver Platinum Ray of Zapharel).
Ascension Energies:
~ The Acceptance Flush energy - beautiful energies to help you accept yourself and the way you are.
~ Atlantean Peace Reiki - peaceful healing energy from Atlantis.
~ The Silver, Gold and Violet Flame - beautiful healing and cleansing energy from the Silver, Gold and Violet Flame, Archangel Zadkiel and St Germain.
~ The Ascended Masters - energies from the Ascended Masters.
~ Ascension Reiki - this healing energy was channelled to Shabdan of Iona Light, by Joseph of Aragon. It is a milky soft, powerful but gentle ascension energy, which helps your body to heal itself.
~ Atlantis Healing System - healing energy from Atlantis, using special high vibrational symbols.
~ Ayurveda Reiki - this energy will help to balance your mind, body and spirit.
~ The Blessings of the Sacred Heart Empowerment - Peace & Healing with Jesus -
~ Blue Star Celestial Energy Healing - healing that involves the use of the high frequency Blue Star energy from the Pleiades, that was used in ancient Egypt.
~ Blue Star Lemurian Healing - Blue Star healing from the Lemurians.
~ Christ Consciousness & Christ Healing - wonderful loving heart filled healing energy that brings in the golden energies of Christ (Sananda/Jesus).
~ Christ Healing Energy - healing energy from the Christ Light.
~ Cloak of Jesus Activation Energies - beautiful healing energy from the Ascended Master Jesus.
~ Connective Tissue Service - healing energy to help heal the tissues, bones and muscles of your body.
~ Conscious Reiki - energy from the Ascended Masters Seraphis Bey, Hilarian and the Avatar of Synthesis Mahatma. This energy can aid in learning, concentration, attention, anxiety, and depression difficulties. It will help support and help to alleviate the symptoms or stresses of these problems. It can help with grief too.
~ The Eye of Horus Activation energies - energy to help activate your Light Body.
~ Dental Shakti - soothing energies that help with dental problems using different healing shakti.
~ Drisana - lovely Tibetan based ascension energies.
~ Excalibur Reiki - healing using the energies of Excalibur's sword.
~ Fearless Reiki - energies that can help you let go of fear.
~ Gold Reiki - this pure energy is channelled from Source and is connected to the Gold Ray as well as the metal Gold. Gold Reiki transmutes fear and darkness into light and joy. Golden light is the strongest light of transformation in the physical universe.
~ The Golden Ray - wonderful golden energy to cleanse and balance you.
~ Golden Star Christ energies - golden energy to bring in the Christ Light.
~ Guardian Angel Reiki - healing energy from your Guardian Angel.
~ Heart of Mary Magdalene Reiki - beautiful energies from Mary Magdalene to soothe your heart and soul.
~ The Healing Energies of Our Lady of Lourdes - healing energy from Mother Mary.
~ Higher Self Journey Activations - energy to help you connect with your higher self.
~ Imara Reiki - a high vibrational reiki healing energy that can help one connect with angels, guides and ascended masters. It can also help to heal repressed issues and past life issues.
~ Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary Reiki - beautiful heart based energies from our beloved Mother Mary.
~ Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children's Light - this energy is great for Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children and adults.
~ Jesus of Nazareth Healing Ray - beautiful healing energy from Jesus.
~ Karmic Reiki - healing that helps to clear your karma. It is good for clearing your auric field of old energies.
~ Lemurian Crystal Band of Light - connection with crystal energy light.
~ Lemurian Energies, Lemurian Seed Crystal Energies and New Lemurian Energy - these fabulous energies are from ancient Lemuria and Lemurian seed crystals.
~ Lighten The Load Reiki - energy to help you lighten up and let go of heavy energies that are weighing you down.
~ Lightworker Knights of Melchizidek - healing energy from the wonderful Melchizidek.
~ Lightworker Pure Potency Energy - energy from numbers that can raise your frequency.
~ Lord Ashtar Sheran Protection energy - this wonderful energy comes from Lord Ashtar, also known as Commander Ashtar.
~ Love Light Synthesis Reiki - this amazing energy anchors love and light into your being to help with your ascension. It is overseen by Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya and Lord Melchizedek.
~ Lung Care - etheric plant energy to help heal your lungs.
~ Mahatma Ascension Reiki - healing using the wonderful Mahatma energies along with ascension energies.
~ MariEL Reiki - healing that brings in the beautiful soothing energies of Mother Mary, aswell as other feminine aspects of Source, such as Quan Yin, Isis and the Moon.
~ Merlin Connection - healing energy with Lord Merlin.
~ Mother’s Heart Reiki - healing energies from Isis, Kwan Yin and Mother Mary.
~ New Earth Teacher energies - high frequency healing energies to help bring in the New Earth.
~ The New Energy of Saint Germain - lovely energy from the wonderful Master Saint Germain.
~ The New Energies of Archangel Michael - beautiful healing energies from Archangel Michael.
~ The Orgone Tachyon Fusion Orb - this is a divine healing tool that can be used in many positive ways to assist in transmuting all forms of lower energies.
~ Planetary Intelligences - energies that come from the different planets.
~ Pyramid Reiki - high frequency healing energy using pyramids.
~ Quan Yin's Lavender Flame - this energy is beautiful and is a softened down version of the violet flame, brought through by the wonderful Quan Yin.
~ Sacred Flames Reiki - this healing system works with the element of fire, whose attributes are strength, protection, purification and faith. Fire nourishes our spiritual hunger - the desire to grow and heighten our awareness, and it provides us with spiritual light. The seven sacred flames of Sacred Flames Reiki are supported by the Seven Cohans: Ascended Masters El Morya, Lanto, Serapis Bey, Kuthumi, Hilarion, Lady Nada and St Germain and also the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. Sacred Flames Reiki uses a technique where seven different coloured etheric flames are sent to heal and clear your seven chakras.
~ Sacred Geometry Reiki - healing using Sacred Geometry.
~ The Sacred Indigo Ray - wonderful energy from the Indigo Ray, especially helpful to Indigo children and adults.
~ The Saints energies - healing energy from the wonderful Saints, such as St Padre Pio, St Anne, St Francis of Assisi and St Joan of Arc.
~ The Silver Violet Flame - beautiful cleansing energies from the silver violet flame and Saint Germain.
~ Spirit Reiki - this is a system of healing and spiritual growth.
~ Tachyon energies - powerful high frequency energies that can be used during healing sessions and placed in objects.
~ Triple Goddess Empowerment energies - healing energies from the goddesses and alignment with Maiden, Mother, Crone energies.
~ Violet Flame Reiki - healing that brings in the energies of Quan Yin, Saint Germain and the cleansing Violet Flame. It is good for cleansing, purifying and releasing old energies.
Spiritual Energies:
~ Akashic Records Energy - energy from the Lord of the Akashic Records. This energy can help you access information from all the lives you have lived before.
~ The Astral Entity Attachment Removal Empowerment energies - energy to help remove astral entities.
~ Home Protection Reiki - energy to help protect your home.
~ Crossroads Energy - energy that will help you if you are feeling stuck and don't know which path to take.
~ Ajna Activation Energy, Familiar Spirits Energy, Inner Eye Energy, Intuition & Enorasis Energy, Reiki Psychic Attunement, Third Eye ~ Psychic Empowerment and Whispers Energy - energies that can be used to help open up the third eye and develop your spiritual and intuitive gifts.
~ The Spirit Guide & Lucid Dreaming Flush Empowerment energies - healing energies to help connect with your spirit guides and your dreams.
Abundance Energies:
~ Abundance Flushes, Abundance and Success Energy, Abundance Blocker Removal System, The Abundance Magnet Empowerment, Attraction Reiki, Full Abundance Energy, St Germain and Raphael Prosperity Energy, Ganesha Energy, Diamond of Prosperity Energy, Financial Fear Flush, Good Fortune Prosperity Energy, Light of Prosperity Energy, Manifestation Energy, Money Angel Reiki, Money Reiki, Money Reiki for a New Reality, Universal Abundance Energies and The Success Flush - these are all wonderful energy streams and techniques that will help to bring more abundance and prosperity into your life.
Some additional techniques which may be used during your session are:
~ Angelic Golden Hands - This involves me filling my hands with the golden healing energies of the angels and archangels and passing these wonderful energies on to you.
~ Angelic Flaming Hands - this involves me filling my hands wtih the flaming energies of the archangels to help clear your chakras.
~ Atlantean Healing with the Angels of Atlantis - bringing in the Angels of Atlantis to channel healing energies to your 12 chakras. Sound toning may be used with this type of healing.
~ Healing with the 12 Ascension Rays - bringing in the colours and energies of the 12 Rays to heal and harmonise you.
~ Cord & Entitiy Removal with Archangel Michael - bringing in the mighty Archangel Michael and his sword to clear cords, webs, attachments, entities, implants and other energies that may be blocking your energy fields.
~ Vacumming with Archangel Michael - clearing lower energies with Archangel Michael, using his etheric "vacuum".
~ Healing & Clearing with the Elohim - bringing in the strong healing energies of the mighty Elohim and working with them to clear energies from your auric field.
~ Using The Silver and Gold Violet Flame to clear blockages,obstacles,vows & contracts, with the help of St Germain and Archangel Zadkiel.
~ Working with Archangel Raphael to help you with food cravings and other addictions.
~ Working with Mother Mary to heal the inner child - Mother Mary will help you to heal the child-like part of yourself that may be hurting from childhood.
~ Working with your personal guides and angels to clear energies.
Chakra, Aura & Meridian Therapy:
With this Therapy Session, you will receive a balancing healing and clearing of your chakras, auric field and meridians, using a few different types of Chakra, Aura & Meridian energy healing systems, as well as crystals, colour, essential oils and the vibrations of sound. You can choose the types of energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you.
Types of healing systems/energies that may be used during this session, depending on your needs, are:
~ Above The Radar Reiki - this energy helps the recipient open the aura to receive positive attention and recognition. It helps to release fears of being seen or noticed so can be good for shy people.
~ Attraction Reiki - this energy will help you to attract more abundance and prosperity into your life.
~ Aura Flush - this energy helps to flush and cleanse the aura.
~ Auric Field Empowerment Energy - this energy strengthens the layers of the auric field.
~ Aurora Reiki - this energy strengthens and heals the aura.
~ Chakra Flush - this energy flushes and cleanses the chakras.
~ Chakra Healing Energy - this energy heals the chakras.
~ Chakra Ilahi - this is a high vibrational energy for healing, cleansing and protecting the chakras.
~ Chandra Aura Reiki - beautiful energy from the moon to cleanse your aura.
~ Colour Reiki for Children - this energy is for children and uses the colours of the rainbow for healing.
~ Etheric Acupuncture - using the energy of etheric acupuncture "needles" for healing and clearing.
~ Full Spectrum Healing - this energy consists of all frequencies, therefore can heal on all levels.
~ Kundalini Reiki - this strong hands-on channelled energy uses the kundalini energies from the earth, along with Reiki, to help heal your mind, body and spirit. It is one of my favourite energies and I am sure you would enjoy it too.
~ Lightworker Musical Notes Of The Chakras - this system involves bringing in the etheric musical notes of each chakra, to heal, balance and cleanse the chakra system.
~ Magickal Colour Reiki - wonderful colour therapy energies.
~ Meridian Flushes - these energy flushes help to cleanse the meridians.
~ Meridian Reiki - lovely energies to heal and clear the meridians.
~ Purple Reiki - beautiful Reiki energy to heal and clear subtle energies.
~ Rainbow Light Healing - the rainbow energies brought in with this healing system will invigorate, cleanse and restore your chakras and auric field, as well as helping you to relax. Allow the beautiful colours to integrate into your system and make you feel colourful and alive! The Rainbow Dove will help you to release old emotions and energies that you no longer need.
~ The Rainbow Sequence Healing Technique - wonderful rainbow energies to heal the chakras.
~ Reiki Chakra 1-7 - healing energy that clears and heals each of the 7 chakras.
~ Sacred Flames Reiki - this healing system works with the element of fire, whose attributes are strength, protection, purification and faith. Fire nourishes our spiritual hunger - the desire to grow and heighten our awareness, and it provides us with spiritual light. The seven sacred flames of Sacred Flames Reiki are supported by the Seven Cohans: Ascended Masters El Morya, Lanto, Serapis Bey, Kuthumi, Hilarion, Lady Nada and St Germain and also the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. Sacred Flames Reiki uses a technique where seven different coloured etheric flames are sent to heal and clear each of your seven chakras.
~ Rainbow Rays Sacred Gemstone Healing - etheric crystal energy and symbols are used for healing the chakras.
~ WhiteLight System - this is a pure energy that cleanses and clears your auric field, chakras and meridians of lower energies, to aid in your healing and ascension.
~ Ethereal Crystal Therapy - etheric crystals are placed in the auric field and body for healing, and energies are channelled from the crystal kingdom.
~ Colours of Angels - healing with the energies of the archangels & ascension rays.
~ The Sacred Indigo Ray - wonderful energy from the Indigo Ray, especially helpful to Indigo children and adults.
~ The Angels Of The Silver, Gold and Violet Flame - beautiful healing and cleansing energy from the Silver, Gold and Violet Flame, Archangel Zadkiel and St Germain.
~ Gold Reiki - this pure energy is channelled from Source and is connected to the Gold Ray as well as the metal Gold. Gold Reiki transmutes fear and darkness into light and joy. Golden light is the strongest light of transformation in the physical universe.
~ The Golden Ray - wonderful golden energy to cleanse and balance you.
~ Quan Yin's Lavender Flame - this energy is beautiful and is a softened down version of the violet flame, brought through by the wonderful Quan Yin.
~ The Silver Violet Flame - beautiful cleansing energies from the silver violet flame and Saint Germain.
~ Violet Flame Reiki - healing that brings in the energies of Quan Yin, Saint Germain and the cleansing Violet Flame. It is good for cleansing, purifying and releasing old energies.
~ Aquamarine Dolphin Healing Ray - beautiful energy from the aquamarine healing ray, that connects you to the peaceful energies of the dolphins. This is a very balancing energy and works well with past, present and future emotional issues.
~ Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System - wonderful energies from the dolphins, crystals and colour to cleanse your chakras.
~ Walking The Rainbow With Dolphin Trilogy Reiki - healing energy from the beloved dolphins that works alongside Dolphin Trilogy Reiki.
~ Ethereal Flowers/Flower Attunements/Karmic Flowers energies - these systems involve using the energies of ethereal flowers for healing. Some of these energies are the same flower energies that are used in flower remedies (Bach Flower Remedies), only they are sent directly to your auric field and any areas of your body where they are needed to do their work.
~ Ethereal Herbs and Etheric Herbal Remedies - these systems involve using the energies of etheric herbs for healing. These energies are the same herbal energies that are used in herbal remedies/tinctures. They are used in the same way as the flower energies - sent directly into your auric field and anywhere else in your body that you might need them.
~ Lightworker Lavender Plant Shakti System - the energy of Lavender will be sent to your auric field for healing. This is wonderful for helping to heal infections, headaches and to calm and relax.
~ Isis Blue Moon Healing - healing with the Blue Moon energy, which is soothing, cooling and calming. It is good for areas of inflammation, fever or any illness where there is a lot of heat. Goddess Isis will faciliate this healing session.
~ Stellar Atom Crystal energies - these energies will help your spiritual and healing development and help you to open up to your own power.
~ Sapphires of Angels - healing with the energies of the archangels & their related etheric sapphire crystals. The energy of the sapphire crystals can be sent distantly too.
Some additional techniques which may be used during your session are:
~ Angelic Flaming Hands - this technique involves channelling and filling my hands with the flaming energies of the archangels to help clear your chakras.
~ Atlantean Healing with the Angels of Atlantis - bringing in the Angels of Atlantis to channel healing energies to your 12 chakras. Sound toning may be used with this type of healing.
~ Sound Therapy - voice, music and instruments are used to clear and balance the chakras and auric field.
~ Crystal Therapy - crystals are used to clear and balance the chakras and auric field.
~ Aromatherapy - essential oils are used to clear and balance the chakras and auric field.
~ Colour Therapy - this involves using colour healing energy, colour cards, colour breathing, colour meditation/visualisation, colour scarves, solarised water and coloured light (irradiation).
Colour Therapy:
With this Therapy Session, you will receive an enlightening healing and clearing, using the energies of colour and light to heal your chakras, auric field, meridians, mind, body and soul, using a few different types of Colour energy healing systems, as well as the energies of the Angels of Colour and some of the following: colour meditation/visualisation, colour breathing, coloured light box (for irradiation), colour scarves, colour ribbons, crystals, colour essential oil bottles, colour cards, solarised water, art therapy and sound therapy. If you wish, you can also ask to receive colour therapy advice on house decoration, clothing and nutrition. You can choose the types of energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you.
Types of healing systems/energies that may be used during this session, depending on your needs, are:
~ Rainbow Light Healing - the rainbow energies brought in with this healing system will invigorate, cleanse and restore your chakras and auric field, as well as helping you to relax. Allow the beautiful colours to integrate into your system and make you feel colourful and alive! The Rainbow Dove will help you to release old emotions and energies that you no longer need.
~ The Rainbow Sequence Healing Technique - wonderful rainbow energies to heal the chakras.
~ Sacred Flames Reiki - this healing system works with the element of fire, whose attributes are strength, protection, purification and faith. Fire nourishes our spiritual hunger - the desire to grow and heighten our awareness, and it provides us with spiritual light. The seven sacred flames of Sacred Flames Reiki are supported by the Seven Cohans: Ascended Masters El Morya, Lanto, Serapis Bey, Kuthumi, Hilarion, Lady Nada and St Germain and also the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. Sacred Flames Reiki uses a technique where seven different coloured etheric flames are sent to heal and clear each of your seven chakras.
~ Rainbow Rays Sacred Gemstone Healing - etheric crystal energy and symbols are used for healing the chakras.
~ Ethereal Crystal Therapy - etheric crystals are placed in the auric field and body for healing, and energies are channelled from the crystal kingdom.
~ Colours of Angels - healing with the energies of the archangels & ascension rays.
~ Sapphires of Angels - healing with the energies of the archangels & their related etheric sapphire crystals. The energy of the sapphire crystals can be sent distantly too.
~ The Sacred Indigo Ray - wonderful energy from the Indigo Ray, especially helpful to Indigo children and adults.
~ The Angels Of The Silver, Gold and Violet Flame - beautiful healing and cleansing energy from the Silver, Gold and Violet Flame, Archangel Zadkiel and St Germain.
~ Gold Reiki - this pure energy is channelled from Source and is connected to the Gold Ray as well as the metal Gold. Gold Reiki transmutes fear and darkness into light and joy. Golden light is the strongest light of transformation in the physical universe.
~ The Golden Ray - wonderful golden energy to cleanse and balance you.
~ Quan Yin's Lavender Flame - this energy is beautiful and is a softened down version of the violet flame, brought through by the wonderful Quan Yin.
~ The Silver Violet Flame - beautiful cleansing energies from the silver violet flame and Saint Germain.
~ Violet Flame Reiki - healing that brings in the energies of Quan Yin, Saint Germain and the cleansing Violet Flame. It is good for cleansing, purifying and releasing old energies.
~ Aquamarine Dolphin Healing Ray - beautiful energy from the aquamarine healing ray, that connects you to the peaceful energies of the dolphins. This is a very balancing energy and works well with past, present and future emotional issues.
~ Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System - wonderful energies from the dolphins, crystals and colour to cleanse your chakras.
~ Walking The Rainbow With Dolphin Trilogy Reiki - healing energy from the beloved dolphins that works alongside Dolphin Trilogy Reiki.
~ Ethereal Flowers/Flower Attunements/Karmic Flowers energies - these systems involve using the energies of ethereal flowers for healing. Some of these energies are the same flower energies that are used in flower remedies (Bach Flower Remedies), only they are sent directly to your auric field and any areas of your body where they are needed to do their work.
~ Ethereal Herbs and Etheric Herbal Remedies - these systems involve using the energies of etheric herbs for healing. These energies are the same herbal energies that are used in herbal remedies/tinctures. They are used in the same way as the flower energies - sent directly into your auric field and anywhere else in your body that you might need them.
~ Lightworker Lavender Plant Shakti System - the energy of Lavender will be sent to your auric field for healing. This is wonderful for helping to heal infections, headaches and to calm and relax.
~ Isis Blue Moon Healing - healing with the Blue Moon energy, which is soothing, cooling and calming. It is good for areas of inflammation, fever or any illness where there is a lot of heat. Goddess Isis will faciliate this healing session.
~ Colour Reiki for Children - this energy is for children and uses the colours of the rainbow for healing.
~ Lightworker Musical Notes Of The Chakras - this system involves bringing in the etheric musical notes of each chakra, to heal, balance and cleanse the chakra system.
~ Purple Reiki - beautiful Reiki energy to heal and clear subtle energies.
~ WhiteLight System - this is a pure energy that cleanses and clears your auric field, chakras and meridians of lower energies, to aid in your healing and ascension.
~ Full Spectrum Healing - this energy consists of all frequencies, therefore can heal on all levels.
Crystal Therapy:
With this Therapy Session, you will receive a deep healing and clearing, using a few different types of Crystal energy healing systems, as well as the energies of the Crystal Devas, Crystal Angels and the energies of physical and etheric Crystals and Gemstones. This is a wonderful vibrational energy therapy that involves laying on of stones (crystals and gemstones) and laying on of hands to bring about the healing of mind, body and spirit, as well as the release of blockages. I use the Melody "Love Is In The Earth" method of Crystal Therapy as well as other methods. The crystals and the energy that is channelled from the crystal kingdom will balance and cleanse your chakras, auric field and meridians, as well as your physical body. I also use crystal wands and a pendulum in my sessions and I like to use my Crystal Skulls and the energies of etheric crystal skulls too. You can choose the types of energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you.
Types of healing systems/energies that may be used during this session, depending on your needs, are:
~ Love Is In The Earth Crystal Therapy - laying on of stones in specific layouts and laying on of hands to channel energies from the crystal kingdom.
~ 13 Crystal Skulls - pure and powerful divine healing energies from the crystal skulls.
~ Amethyst Fairy Orb - beautiful energy from the Amethyst Fairy Queen and the energies of Amethyst crystal.
~ Angel Stones - specific crystals and stones are attuned to the vibration of the angels and placed on or around your body. The energy of these stones can be sent distantly.
~ Atlantian Crystal Angels - beautiful energy from the Atlantian Crystal Angels and the energies of the Atlantian Crystals.
~ Sapphires of Angels - healing with the energies of the archangels & their related etheric sapphires.
~ New Earth Teacher energies - wonderful energies that help to bring in the new earth energies with the help of crystal layouts.
~ Atlantian Crystal Healing - using healing energy from the great Atlantean crystal.
~ Crystal Skull Healing - using magnificent healing energy from a Crystal Skull.
~ Elemental Earth Star Healing - this energy will help you to tap into the energies of Mother Earth to heal and ground you.
~ Crystal Deva Energies - powerful crystal energies from etheric crystals, the crystal devas and crystal healing shakti.
~ Crystal Reiki - a powerful combination of crystal energy, crystal symbols and Reiki.
~ The Crystal Rose - this is a beautiful etheric crystal that is used to bring more love, forgiveness and compassion.
~ Ethereal Crystal Therapy - etheric crystals are placed in the auric field and body for healing, and energies are channelled from the crystal kingdom.
~ Lemurian Energies, Lemurian Seed Crystal Energies, New Lemurian Energy and Light of Lemuria - these fabulous energies are from ancient Lemuria and Lemurian seed crystals.
~ Phenacite Crystal energies - beautiful energies from Phenacite that will help you connect with higher spiritual and healing energies and beings from higher dimensions.
~ Prehnite Crystal energies - lovely calming, soothing energies from Prehnite that can help with your intuition.
~ Rainbow Aura Essence - beautiful energy from the Rainbow Aura crystal, otherwise known as Opal Aura Quartz, Angel Aura or Pearl Aura Quartz.
~ Rainbow Rays Sacred Gemstone Healing - etheric crystal energies that are used for healing the chakras.
~ Stellar Atom Crystal energies - these energies will help your spiritual and healing development and help you to open up to your own power.
Golden Atlantis Healing:
With this Healing Session, you will receive a beautiful healing and clearing, using the energies of different Atlantean Healing Systems, as well as the energies of etheric Atlantean Crystals and Skulls; with the assistance of the Angels of Atlantis, the Priests and Priestesses of Atlantis and any Atlantean guides you may have. You can choose the types of energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you.
Types of healing systems/energies that may be used during this session, depending on your needs, are:
~ Atlantian Crystal Angels - beautiful energies from the crystal Angels of Atlantis.
~ Dolphins Of Atlantis - soothing energy from the Atlantean Dolphins.
~ The Atlantian Crystal Activation - energies from the great Atlantean Crystal.
~ The Crystal Skull Empowerment - energies from the crystal skulls.
~ The Elemental Earth Star Empowerment - earth star energies.
~ Turquoise Flame - wonderful turquoise healing energies.
Some additional techniques which may be used during your session are:
~ Atlantean Healing with the Angels of Atlantis - bringing in the Angels of Atlantis to channel healing energies to your 12 chakras. Sound toning may be used with this type of healing.
Lemurian Healing:
With this Healing Session, you will receive a beautiful healing and clearing, using the energies of different Lemurian Healing Systems, as well as the energies of etheric Lemurian Crystals and Skulls; with the assistance of the Angels of Lemuria, the Priests and Priestesses of Lemuria and any Lemurian guides you may have. You can choose the types of energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you.
Types of healing systems/energies that may be used during this session, depending on your needs, are:
~ Lemurian Facilitator
~ Lemurian Seed Crystals 1
~ Lemurian Seed Crystals 2
~ Lemurian Seed Crystals 3
~ Lemurian Seed Crystals 4
~ New Lemurian Energy
~ Light of Lemuria
~ Lightworker Telos Empowerment
Magickal Healing:
With this Healing Session, you will receive an enchanted healing and clearing, using a few different types of Magickal energy healing systems, as well as the energies of the Earthly Kingdoms, the elements, nature spirits, animal guides, plant energies, crystal energies, Magickal Beings and Goddesses and the energy of our great Lady Gaia. You can choose the types of energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you.
Types of healing systems/energies that may be used during this session, depending on your needs, are:
~ After The Rain Empowerment - water energies.
~ Celtic Reiki 1-3 - tree energies.
~ Celtic Wisdom Energy System
~ Elemental Reiki - this healing energy is from the elements of water, fire, air, earth and the ethers.
~ Energy and Magic of the Fairies - fairy energies.
~ Excalibur Reiki
~ Green Trilogy
~ Greenman energy - this fabulous energy is from the Green Man, who is a nature spirit in charge of nature and the trees. He is a wise old soul with much healing ability.
~ Magic Reiki - magic energies.
~ Magickal Colour Reiki - colour energies.
~ Magical Nature Reiki - this earthy energy can help connect you to mother earth, the nature kingdoms, the nature spirits, can help you to raise your vibrations, clear away negativity and ground your spiritual energies.
~ Magickal Shaman LightWorker Program - Shamanic energies.
~ Spell Clearing Empowerment
~ Stonehenge Energies - energies from the stones at Stonehenge.
~ The Magickal Talisman Empowerment
~ The Magickal Tree Essence Empowerment - lovely tree energies.
~ Wisdom of Merlin - beautiful healing energy from Lord Merlin.
Nature Spirit Healing:
With this Healing Session, you will receive a relaxing and grounding healing and clearing, using a few different types of Nature Spirit energy healing systems, as well as the energies of the nature spirits of the elemental kingdom, such as fairies, elves, tree spirits, mermaids, sea sprites, gnomes and salamanders. These wonderful beings can bring fun, happiness and sparkly energy into your life. They will also encourage you to play and heal your inner self. You can choose the types of energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you.
Types of healing systems/energies that may be used during this session, depending on your needs, are:
~ Amethyst Fairy Orb - beautiful energy from the Amethyst Fairy Queen and the energies of Amethyst crystal.
~ Energy and Magic of The Fairies - lovely healing energy from all different types of fairies.
~ The Faery Flora Energies - lovely flower energies that are brought through by the faeries.
~ Faery Reiki - powerful healing energy from the fairies.
~ Faery Tree Spirit Energies - this system involves using the healing energies of different faery tree spirits which are received directly from the faeries.
~ Fairy Light Raykey - a beautiful healing system that brings in the energy of the fairies. This healing energy will help you to lift your mood, become more playful and bring some fun into your life.
~ Fairy Realms Reiki - wonderful healing energy from the fairies, which is good for healing plants, animals and humans, especially where they need something to grow or heal quickly. This energy is not good for cancer or tumours as the energy encourages things to grow and multiply.
~ Greenman Energy - this fabulous energy is from the Green Man, who is a nature spirit in charge of nature and the trees. He is a wise old soul with much healing ability.
~ Magical Nature Reiki - this earthy energy can help connect you to mother earth, the nature kingdoms, the nature spirits, can help you to raise your vibrations, clear away negativity and ground your spiritual energies.
~ Merfolk Reiki - healing and clearing energy from the mermaids and mermen.
~ Elemental Reiki - this healing energy is from the elements of water, fire, air, earth and the ethers.
~ Elven Shamanic Healing - beautiful shamanic healing energy from the elven realms.
~ Crystal Deva Energies - powerful crystal energies from etheric crystals, the crystal devas and crystal healing shakti.
Oceanic Energy Healing:
With this Healing Session, you will receive a cleansing, heart based healing and clearing, using a few different types of Oceanic energy healing systems, as well as the energies of the dolphins, orca whales, fish, sea creatures, sea beings, water elemental spirits, such as merpeople and sea sprites, the spirit of the ocean and the spiritual energies of sea plants, water, seashells, sea salt and oceanic crystals. You can choose the types of energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you.
Types of healing systems/energies that may be used during this session, depending on your needs, are:
~ Aquamarine Dolphin Healing Ray - beautiful energy from the aquamarine healing ray, that connects you to the peaceful energies of the dolphins. This is a very balancing energy and works well with past, present and future emotional issues.
~ Dancing with Dolphins Energy - wonderful dolphin energies.
~ Dolphin Prism Energy - lovely energy from the dolphins.
~ Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System - wonderful energies from the dolphins, crystals and colour to cleanse your chakras.
~ Dolphin Reiki - wonderful energy from the dolphins that will open your heart.
~ Dolphin Trilogy Reiki - healing energy from the dolphins, orca whales and oceanic crystals.
~ Lightworker Dolphin Sekhem Seichim Reiki - healing energies from the dolphins and Seichim.
~ Merfolk Reiki - healing and clearing energy from the mermaids and mermen.
~ Walking The Rainbow With Dolphin Trilogy Reiki - healing energy from the beloved dolphins that works alongside Dolphin Trilogy Reiki.
~ Dolphins Of Atlantis - beautiful healing energy from the Atlantean Dolphins.
~ Dolphin Sacred Drumbeat Empowerment - healing energy from the dolphins along with the sacred drumbeat.
~ Lightworker Friends Of The Sea Empowerment - beautiful energies from lovely sea creatures, such as turtle, dolphin, orca, polar bear, sea eagle, penguin, seal, octopus, crab, manatee, jellyfish, oyster, eel, lobster, coral, starfish, gull, manta ray, whale, sea slug, barracuda, sand dollar, hermit crab, horseshoe crab and sea fan.
~ Lightworker Ocean Mother Full Moon Initiation - beautiful healing energy from the energies of the ocean and the full moon.
Some additional techniques which may be used during your session are:
Healing with seashells, sea pebbles, oceanic crystals, water and sea plants.
Plant Energy Healing:
With this Healing Session, you will receive an energising healing and clearing, using a few different types of Plant/Herbology energy healing systems and I will call on the natural spiritual energies of plants, trees, flowers, herbs, Mother Earth and the nature spirits that work with them to help you. I may use real plants, herbs, leaves, branches and flowers in your healing if I have them available at the time. Things that plant energies can help you with are healing your etheric and physical bodies, balancing your emotions, giving you an energy boost, brightening your auric field and chakras, helping you to let go of stale energies and helping you to let go of the past and move into the present, with no barriers in your way. Plant energies are very soothing and healing for the mind, body and soul. You can choose the types of energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you.
Types of healing systems/energies that may be used during this session, depending on your needs, are:
~ Ethereal Flowers - the energies of the Bach Flower Remedies:
Cherry Plum
Chestnut Bud
Crab Apple
Red Chestnut
Rock Rose
Rock Water
Star Of Bethlehem
Sweet Chestnut
Water Violet
White Chestnut
Wild Oat
Wild Rose
~ Flower Attunements - the healing energies of Hollyhock, Nasturtium, Fleabane Daisy, Evening Primrose, Impatiens, Begonia, Meadowsweet Spirea, Dahlia, Dandelion, Hyacinth, Wild Rose, Marigold, Geranium, Sunflower, Yellow Rose, Passionflower, Daffodil, Acidanthera, Poet's Narcissus, Lavatera, Morning Glory, Rose and Poppy.
~ Flower Essence Reiki - beautiful flower essence energies.
~ Karmic Flowers energies - the healing energies of Lily, Valerian, Pink Rose, White Bluebell, Iris, Orchid, Yellow Rattle, Fuchsia and Geranium.
~ Lightworker Calla Lily Flower - the energy of this beautiful flower will be sent to your auric field for healing.
~ Lightworker Lavender Plant Shakti System - the energy of Lavender will be sent to your auric field for healing. This is wonderful for helping to heal infections, headaches and to calm and relax.
~ Ethereal Herbs - the energies of:
Ylang Ylang
~ Etheric Herbal Remedies - the energies of Agrimony, Alfalfa, Aloe Vera, Amaranth, Angelica, Basil, Bayberry, Bee Pollen, Bergamot, Blackberry, Blessed Thistle, Burdock, Caraway, Chamomile, Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Damiana, Dandelion, Dong Quai, Echinacea, Eucalyptus, Eyebright, Fennel, Flax, Ginger, Ginseng, Heather, Horehound,Hyssop, Iceland Moss, Jasmine, Juniper, Kava Kava, Kelp, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Mandrake, Meadowsweet, Mullein, Nettle, Passionflower, Pennyroyal, Peppermint, Rosemary, Rue, Sage, St. John's Wort, Senna, Spearmint, Tarragon, Uva Ursi, Valerian, Wormwood, Yarrow and Yellow Dock.
~ Celtic Reiki - this lovely system uses the energy of trees, tree spirits and the ogham symbols for healing. This is a wonderful healing energy that I highly recommend. It is good for clearing out old issues and can help old stagnant energies come to the surface for healing.
~ The Faery Flora Energies - lovely flower energies that are brought through by the faeries.
~ Faery Tree Spirit Energies - this system involves using the healing energies of different faery tree spirits which are received directly from the faeries.
Reiki Healing:
With this Healing Session, you will receive a relaxing and comforting healing and clearing, using a few different types of Reiki energy healing systems, including Usui Reiki, a japanese healing system which is the most common type of Reiki. Reiki is from Source and it is the energy that is all around us and within us; also called chi energy or prana. Reiki energy can help to heal your mind, body and spirit of past hurts, emotions, blockages, physical pain, and trauma and it can also give you an energy boost, allowing you to feel revitalised as well as relaxed, balanced and happy. It clears and heals your auric field and chakras, as well as the physical body. It can help you to move on in your life if you are feeling stuck. Reiki energy can change your life for the better. You can choose the types of energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you.
Types of healing systems/energies that may be used during this session, depending on your needs, are:
~ Karuna Ki Reiki - the energies of this type of Reiki are very compassionate heart centered energies which are radiated to you to help heal and soothe your mind, body and spirit. This loving healing energy system is good for those who are going through a sad and painful time. The heart based energies will help to heal your heart, soothe your pain and comfort you.
~ Raku Kei Reiki - the words Rei-Ki originate from the words Raku-Kei. This system is thought to have been a forerunner of Usui Reiki and it incorporates the Fire element of breathing used to increase the energy of Reiki. Raku-Kei is the ancient science of self-development and self-improvement. It is believed that the origins of Raku-Kei come from Tibet. Raku Kei is sometimes referred to as "The way of the Fire Dragon". Mastering the dragon energy is mastering the mind. This healing energy is very powerful and cleansing.
~ Shamballa Multi Dimensional Healing - this powerful energy is channelled from Source. It is a high frequency energy which is connected to the Ascended Masters and the Mahatma Energy, especially St Germain. It is said to be used in Atlantis and is a complete Reiki system with many symbols.
~ Tibetan Reiki - this type of Reiki will help you bring your energies into harmony and balance. I will work with certain symbols, along with Archangel Michael and the Solar Angels during the session. As well as receiving this wonderful energy, your lightbody will be strengthened, your third eye cleansed and opened, your chakras cleansed and balanced and the right and left side of your body balanced.
~ Usui Reiki - Usui Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a Japanese method of hands-on healing, which was re-discovered by Dr Mikao Usui. The word Rei means Universal and Ki means Life Force Energy. A Reiki Practitioner has been attuned by a Reiki Master to channel this wonderful energy. The Practitioner channels the energy through her body and out of her hands. She then places her hands on different parts of the body, auric field (energy field) and chakras (energy centres) of the client, so that the client absorbs the amount of energy they need for healing themselves. The Practitioner does not use her own energy for the healing, but uses the unlimited energy from Source (God).
Reiki works on a physical level, emotional level and spiritual level. Emotions and negative thought patterns can cause energy blockages in our auric field and our chakras. These blockages can manifest on a physical level, causing ill health. A Reiki treatment helps to clear these blockages, therefore helping the body to heal itself and the aura and chakras to become clean, vibrant and healthy. When our auric field and chakras are healthy, our physical body will become healthy too. Reiki is a wonderful complement to conventional medical treatment. Having a Reiki treatment is very relaxing. I will use the energies of Usui Reiki and the advanced energies of Reiki (from the Grand Master levels) during your session.
Seichim & Egyptian Healing:
With this Healing Session, you will receive a relaxing, yet rejuvinating healing and clearing, using a few different types of Seichim and Egyptian energy healing systems, as well as the energies from the spiritual beings connected to Seichim and Ancient Egypt, such as Goddess Isis and Goddess Sekhmet, Green Tara, Maha Kali and the Angels. Seichim and Egyptian energies are powerful, magical and high frequency and they work on a deep level. Seichim is pure living light energy, which was used in ancient Egypt and was re-discovered by Patrick Zeigler. These wonderful energies can help you to release blockages, toxins, traumas, past upsets, hurt emotions and illness. They heal on a cellular level to harmonise and transform your energy vibrations, which in turn allow your physical body to heal itself. You can choose the types of energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you.
Types of healing systems/energies that may be used during this session, depending on your needs, are:
~ Archangelic Seichim Reiki - this is a combination of Seichim and Reiki energies with the help of the wonderful archangels.
~ Gayatri Seichim - a type of Seichim energy that involves the use of the Gayatri Mantra.
~ Green Tara Seichim - Seichim with the energy of Green Tara.
~ Isis Seichim - Seichim energy with the Goddess Isis.
~ Lightworker Dolphin Sekhem Seichim Reiki - healing energies from the dolphins and Seichim.
~ Maha Kali Seichim - Seichim energy with the energy of Maha Kali.
~ Seichim - the original living light energy that was used in ancient egypt and re-discovered by Patrick Zeigler.
~ Sekhem Seichim Reiki - a mixture of Sekhem, Seichim and Reiki energies.
~ Sekhmet Seichim - Seichim energy with the Goddess Sekhmet.
~ Soul Star Seichim - healing wtih Seichim energy along with the Soul Star Seichim symbol.
~ Ancient Egyptian Healing - this healing involves the use of the energies of the golden globe, the giza pyramid temple, the sacred cobra, Isis Blue Moon, the temple of Isis, the golden honey bee, the sacred peacock, the sacred jackal, the sacred sphinx, the heart of the desert, the golden ankh and the sacred cow.
~ Golden Triangle Healing System - healing with the Golden Triangle energy, channelled with the help of Goddess Isis. I may use voice toning and crystals with this system.
~ Isis Blue Moon Healing - healing with the Blue Moon energy, which is soothing, cooling and calming. It is good for areas of inflammation, fever or any illness where there is a lot of heat. Goddess Isis will faciliate this healing session.
~ Blue Star Celestial Energy Healing - healing that involves the use of the Blue Star energy from the Pleiades, that was used in ancient Egypt.
~ Pyramid Reiki - healing using pyramid energies.
Shamanic Healing:
With this Healing Session, you will receive a powerful healing and clearing, using a few different types of Shamanic, Earth-Based and Animal energy healing systems, as well as the energies of your animal totems/guides, animal energies (such as unicorns, dragons, dolphins, wolves, bears etc), Shamanic guides, plant energies, essential oils, crystals, stones, feathers and the vibrations of sound. You will receive healing which works at a spiritual level. It may help you feel more grounded, feel more in control, help heal your heart and soul of past hurts and upsets, remove blockages and old issues that may be holding you back, heal ailments and traumas, heal your emotions and reconnect you with parts of yourself that you have buried in the past. It may give you an energy boost, leave you feeling lighter, brighter, full of energy and more ready to be who you really are. You may feel like you can stand in your own power once more, be able to start new projects, have new ideas and be able to move forwards in your life. It may also be able to help you with speaking out, being more confident and being able to manifest your needs. This energy may also be used to help you clear and cleanse your home of lower energies.
You can choose the types of energy systems you wish me to use for your session, or I can choose them intuitively for you.
Types of healing systems/energies that may be used during this session, depending on your needs, are:
Shamanic/Earth-Based Energies:
~ After The Rain Energy - relaxing, calming, cleansing, clearing, purifying energy using etheric water energies.
~ Ama Deus Shamanic Healing - a powerful heart-based shamanic healing energy from God, which is used by the Guarani Indians in Brazil.
~ Elven Shamanic Healing - a natural and gentle shamanic healing energy from the elven realms.
~ Magickal Shaman Lightworker Program energies - wonderful Shamanic healing energies with a magickal twist.
~ Ma'Heo'O Reiki - this energy combines the elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire with the Great Spirit to effectively promote and activate healing. It is a simple but powerful system which uses the energies of Reiki along with the frequency of Mother Earth to work in accordance with Native American Tradition.
~ Sacred Breath - shamanic healing energy with powerful shamanic practices.
~ Shamanic Empowerment - shamanic healing energy.
~ Shamanic Energy Healing - shamanic healing energy.
~ Shamanic Soul Retrieval Reiki - wonderful healing energies to help you bring back lost parts of your soul.
~ Celtic Reiki - this system uses the beautiful energy of trees, tree spirits and the ogham symbols for healing. This is a wonderful healing energy that I highly recommend. It is good for clearing out old issues and can help old stagnant energies come to the surface for healing.
~ Celtic Wisdom Energy System - a lovely energy system which is balancing and grounding and can assist you in connecting with your true nature. It can help you release untapped potential, promote balance and tranquillity in your life and bring you the energy of unconditional love.
~ Kundalini Reiki - this strong hands-on channelled energy uses the kundalini energies from the earth, along with Reiki, to help heal your mind, body and spirit. It is one of my favourite energies and I am sure you would enjoy it too.
~ Elemental Reiki - this healing energy is from the elements of water, fire, air, earth and the ethers.
~ Magic Reiki - powerful magical energies that will help to protect you and clear negative energies.
~ Hawaiian Trinity Reiki - beautiful, sunny, happy healing energy from the Hawaiian Islands.
~ Stonehenge Energies - wonderful energies from Stonehenge to soothe your soul.
~ Magical Nature Reiki - this earthy energy can help connect you to mother earth, the nature kingdoms, the nature spirits, can help you to raise your vibrations, clear away negativity and ground your spiritual energies.
~ New Earth Teacher energies - high frequency healing energies to help bring in the New Earth.
Plant Energies:
~ Chakra Flower Essence - using the etheric energies of flowers to help heal the chakras.
~ Ethereal Flowers/Flower Attunements/Karmic Flowers/Flower Essence Reiki - these systems involve using the energies of ethereal flowers for healing. Some of these are the same flower energies that are used in flower remedies, only they are sent directly to your auric field and any areas of your body where they are needed to do their work.
~ Ethereal Herbs and Etheric Herbal Remedies - these systems involve the use of etheric herbs for healing. These energies are the same herbal energies that are used in herbal remedies/tinctures. They are used in the same way as the flower energies - sent directly into your auric field and anywhere else in your body that you might need them.
~ Ethereal Crystals - the use of etheric crystals for healing.
~ Etheric Passion Flower Essence - Relief from Stress, Anxiety & Worry using the energy of the Passion Flower.
Spiritual Energies:
~ The Astral Entity Attachment Removal Empowerment - energy to help remove astral entities.
~ Home Protection Reiki - energies to help with protecting your home and space clearing.
~ The Spirit Guide & Lucid Dreaming Flush Empowerment - healing energy from your spirit guides and help wth your dreams.
Animal Energies:
~ Angels & Unicorns Reiki - healing energy from the Angels and Unicorns.
~ Angels of The Earth - Animal Healing - beautiful archangelic energies from Archangels Uriel, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel along with earth healing to help heal animals.
~ Animal Empowerments - healing energy from the energies of bat, dragonfly, the great horned owl, butterfly, dolphin, spider, jaguar, dragon, crow, orca, eagle, hawk and wolf.
~ Bear Reiki - lovely healing energy from the bear.
~ Children's Ladybug Empowerment - healing energy from the ladybug, for adults and children.
~ Dragon Energy Programme - clearing, cleansing, expansion and protection with the mightly dragons.
~ Dragon Reiki - healing energy from the Dragons, along with Reiki.
~ Dragon Ki Reiki - healing energy from the Dragons, along with Reiki.
~ Hummingbird Empowerment - beautiful healing energy from the Hummingbird.
~ Lightworker Animal Path Healing - healing energy to help you connect with your animal totems.
~ Lightworker Dolphin Sekhem Seichim Reiki - great energies from the dolphins and Seichim.
~ Lightworker Bear Medicine Empowerment - healing energy from the Bear.
~ Lightworker Cougar Medicine Empowerment - healing energy from the Cougar.
~ Lightworker Coyote Medicine Empowerment - healing energy from the Coyote.
~ Lightworker Deer Medicine Empowerment - healing energy from the Deer.
~ Lightworker Domestic Cat Empowerment - healing energy from the Domestic Cat.
~ Lightworker Dragon Empowerment - healing energy from the Dragons.
~ Lightworker Fox Medicine Empowerment - healing energy from the Fox.
~ Lightworker Great Blue Heron Medicine Empowerment - healing energy from the Great Blue Heron.
~ Lightworker Hawk Empowerment - healing energy from the Hawk.
~ Lightworker Racoon Medicine Empowerment - healing energy from the Racoon.
~ Lightworker The Swan Empowerment - healing energy from the Swan.
~ Lightworker Turkey Medicine Empowerment - healing energy from the Turkey.
~ Lightworker Turtle Medicine Empowerment - healing energy from the Turtle.
~ Lightworker Wolf Empowerment - healing energy from the Wolf.
~ Lightworker Tiger Reiki - healing energy from the Tiger.
~ Magic & Wisdom of the Unicorns - healing energy from the unicorns.
~ Pixie Unicorn Reiki - beautiful healing energy from the tiny pixie unicorns.
~ Power Animal Empowerment - healing energy from the energies of ant, bear, cat, dog, elephant, fish, horse, jaguar, koala, lion, moose, owl, polar bear, raven, shark, tiger and wolf.
~ Rainforest Reiki - healing energy from the energies of bear, butterfly, deer, eagle, fox, frog, hawk, horse, lion, lizard, owl, raven, fish and snake.
~ Spirit Steed Reiki - beautiful energy from the spirit steed, the horse guide that works with you. This horse can take you astral travelling to different places and help you to heal things from the past, present and future.
~ Spiritual Animal Healing Program - this wonderful system uses techniques to aid animal communication, emotional trauma animal healing, physical animal healing, healing animal behavioural problems, wild animal environmental healing and helping animals to cross over.
~ Unicorn Energy Healing System - pure heavenly healing energy from the light-filled Unicorns, who are from the angelic realms and here to fill us with magical love, light and star energy.
~ White Dove Reiki - this is the healing energy of the white dove, which is used along with ordinary Reiki. It is a very pure, cleansing energy.
~ Aquamarine Dolphin Healing Ray - beautiful energy from the aquamarine healing ray, that connects you to the peaceful energies of the dolphins. This is a very balancing energy and works well with past, present and future emotional issues.
~ Dolphin Reiki - wonderful energy from the dolphins that will open your heart.
~ Dolphin Trilogy Reiki - healing energy from the dolphins, orca whales and oceanic crystals.
~ Dancing with Dolphins Energy - wonderful dolphin energies.
~ Dolphin Prism Energy - lovely energy from the dolphins.
~ Dolphin Rainbow Chakra Healing System - wonderful energies from the dolphins, crystals and colour to cleanse your chakras.
~ Walking The Rainbow With Dolphin Trilogy Reiki - healing energy from the beloved dolphins that works alongside Dolphin Trilogy Reiki.
~ Dolphins Of Atlantis - beautiful healing energy from the Atlantean Dolphins.
~ Dolphin Sacred Drumbeat Empowerment - healing energy from the dolphins along with the sacred drumbeat.
~ Lightworker Friends Of The Sea Empowerment - beautiful energies from lovely sea creatures, such as turtle, dolphin, orca, polar bear, sea eagle, penguin, seal, octopus, crab, manatee, jellyfish, oyster, eel, lobster, coral, starfish, gull, manta ray, whale, sea slug, barracuda, sand dollar, hermit crab, horseshoe crab and sea fan.
Some additional techniques which may be used during your session are:
~ Healing from your Spirit Guides - healing energy from your team of spirit guides.
~ Healing from your Ancestors - healing energy from your deceased loved ones who wish to help you.
~ The use of feathers and smudging for clearing and healing.
~ The use of crystals, gems and stones for healing.
~ The use of essential oils.
~ Sound Therapy using voice, chanting, music, a Tingshaw, a singing bowl, rattles, a rainshaker and bells.
Payment Details:
Once you have chosen which type of Healing/Therapy Session you would like from the choices above, you can then book your session through my Web Store. Once you have made your booking, please contact me to let me know what areas you would like me to focus your Healing/Therapy Session on, and we can arrange a date/time for your Healing/Therapy session to be sent to you.
If you have any problems paying through my WebStore, please e-mail me and I can send you an invoice.
Price/Energy Exchange: 30 minute sessions are £18.
Price/Energy Exchange: 60 minute sessions are £33.
Price/Energy Exchange: A block of three 30 minute sessions is £50.
Price/Energy Exchange: A block of three 60 minute sessions is £90.
I sometimes have Special Offers on my Healing & Therapy Sessions, so please be sure to check out my Web Store to see if there are any discounts currently available. I look forward to bringing you through some beautiful healing energies to help you along your path ofl light!